ℹ️ This repository has been archived on favour of the now official TestKube ZAP Executor
TestKube ZAP Executor is a test executor to run ZED attack proxy scans with TestKube.
You need to register and deploy the executor in your cluster.
kubectl apply -f examples/zap-executor.yaml
Issue the following commands to create and start a ZAP test for a given YAML configuration file:
kubectl testkube test create --filename examples/zap-api.yaml --type "zap/api" --name api-test
kubectl testkube test run --watch api-test
kubectl testkube test create --filename examples/zap-baseline.yaml --type "zap/baseline" --name baseline-test
kubectl testkube test run --watch baseline-test
kubectl testkube test create --filename examples/zap-full.yaml --type "zap/full" --name full-test
kubectl testkube test run --watch full-test
The required ZAP arguments and options need to be specified via a dedicated YAML configuration file, e.g.
# -t the target API definition
target: https://www.example.com/openapi.json
# -f the API format, openapi, soap, or graphql
format: openapi
# -O the hostname to override in the (remote) OpenAPI spec
hostname: https://www.example.com
# -S safe mode this will skip the active scan and perform a baseline scan
safe: true
# -c config file
config: examples/zap-api.conf
# -d show debug messages
debug: true
# -s short output
short: false
# -l minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL
level: INFO
# -c context file
context: examples/context.config
# username to use for authenticated scans
user: anonymous
# delay in seconds to wait for passive scanning
delay: 5
# max time in minutes to wait for ZAP to start and the passive scan to run
time: 60
# ZAP command line options
zap_options: -config aaa=bbb
# -I should ZAP fail on warnings
fail_on_warn: false
Please follow the main TestKube repository for reporting any issues or discussions
For more info go to main testkube repo