C library that performs license plate recognition.
Deep learning number plate recognition engine, based on and
. Operates on any latin license plate.
- LPReditor_ANPR_Lib
- sample_cpp
- Deep learning model files
- Third party software
- License
- Tests
This C library is a C API. It exposes no classes. It is ready to operate, on any latin license plate number image. Accuracy and speed are good enough for most commercial applications. Reproducibly tests are available. The library supports multithreading.
The code is standard c++ and relies on . Based on that, it is possible to build on various platforms, with our without CUDA. Among them, I tested successfully Windows 10 and Linux Ubuntu (20.04).
(Common) Step 1 : Install
and CUDA & cuDNN (Optional but recommended if you want to use CUDA Execution Provider)
The installation process of CUDA is quite straightforward. You can Install CUDA v11.0 from here. Next, install cuDNN by downloading the installer from here. You also need to download models files, that er too large to be accepted by my github account. Models are available on my drive account here here. Download models.zip file and unzip in /data/ folder.
Download onnxruntime-win-x64-1.x.y.zip and decompress somewhere. I used onnxruntime-...-1.10.0, and noticed that I had to change an include directive, in the file cpu_provider_factory.h (line 7), #include "core/framework/provider_options.h" to #include "provider_options.h" .
In LPReditor_ANPR/CMakeLists.txt, change ../onnxruntime-win-x64-.../ to point to the actual path of the onnxruntime-win-x64... directory
From cmake-gui, configure and generate LPReditor_ANPR/CMakeLists.txt
Download onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.x.y.tgz and decompress somewhere
In LPReditor_ANPR/CMakeLists.txt, change ../onnxruntime-linux-x64-.../ to point to the actual path of the onnxruntime-linux-x64-... directory
From cmake-gui, configure and generate LPReditor_ANPR/CMakeLists.txt
The use of the library decomposes in three distinct steps. At first, engine initialization, via calling the function init_yolo_detector. It initializes a new detector, by loading its model file and returns a (unique) id. This id must be passed, as a parameter, to the two others functions. Second, call the detect_with_lpn_detection function, to recognize license plates in images. Parameters of the detect_with_lpn_detection function are :
- 4 parameters, to access the image, (preloaded) in memory.
- the ids of models returned by init_yolo_detector and init_plates_classifer.
- a pointer to a (preallocated) c string (filled, in return, with the license plate number string)
Third, when reading images is ended, call the close_detector to free the memory, consumed by the detector (important : pass, as parameter, the id returnned by init_yolo_detector).
std::string model_filename_global_view = "The/path/to/the/model/that/is/in/repo/lpreditor_anpr_global_view.onnx";
size_t len = model_filename_global_view.size();
//step 1 : Initializes a new detector by loading its model file. In return, you get a unique id. The repo comes with two models namely lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lpand lpreditor_anpr_global_view.
//So you have to call this function twice to initialize both models.
size_t id_global_view = init_yolo_detector(len, model_filename_global_view.c_str());
if (id_global_view > 0) {
std::cout << "\n global_view Model loaded succesfully\n" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "\n global_view Model not loaded error\n" << std::endl;
model_filename_global_view = "The/path/to/the/model/that/is/in/repo/lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lp.onnx";
len = model_filename_global_view.size();
size_t id_focused_on_lp = init_yolo_detector(len, model_filename_focused_on_lp.c_str());
if (id_focused_on_lp > 0) {
std::cout << "\n focused_on_lp Model loaded succesfully\n" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "\n focused_on_lp Model not loaded error\n" << std::endl;
id_focused_on_lp = id_global_view;
//NEW : since last version you also need to initialize a license plates types classifier, which has two files (one onnx file for its model and one txt file for its labels)
const std::string plates_types_classifier_filename="The/path/to/the/model/that/is/in/repo/plates_types_7.onnx"
const std::string plates_types_labels_filename="The/path/to/the/model/that/is/in/repo/plates_types_7.txt"
len = plates_types_classifier_filename.size();
size_t id_plates_types_classifier = init_plates_classifer(len, plates_types_classifier_filename.c_str(), plates_types_labels_filename.size(), plates_types_labels_filename.c_str() );
if (id_plates_types_classifier > 0)
std::cout << "\n plates_types_classifier Model loaded succesfully\n" << std::endl;
//step 2 : detect lpn in frame
//allocates a c string to store the read lpn
const size_t lpn_len = 15;
char lpn[lpn_len] = "\0";
//the code below, comes from sample_cpp (in repo) and frame is cv::Mat image instance.
bool detected = two_stage_lpr_plates_type_detection
(frame.cols,//width of image
frame.rows,//height of image i.e. the specified dimensions of the image
frame.channels(),// pixel type : 1 (8 bpp greyscale image) 3 (RGB 24 bpp image) or 4 (RGBA 32 bpp image)
frame.step// source image bytes buffer
, id_global_view,id_focused_on_lp,//id : unique interger to identify the detector to be used
id_plates_types_classifier,//unique id to identify the platestype classifier
lpn_len, lpn//lpn : a c string allocated by the calling program
std::cout << lpn;
//step 3: call these func once you have finished with the detectors-- > to free memeory
bool session_closed = close_detector(id//id : unique interger to identify the detector to be freed
//NEW : since last version, you also need to free memory for the license plates types classifier
session_closed = close_plates_types_classifier(id_plates_types_classifier//id : unique interger to identify the classifier to be freed
@brief initializes a new detector, by loading its model file and returns its unique id. The repo comes with two models namely lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lp and lpreditor_anpr_global_view (these models have to be downloaded from [google drive] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NIU2EYfdzRbtgHvdRUY0yJmUzANIqEP9?usp=sharing)). So you have to call this function twice to initialize both models (note that it is possible, but not a good idea, to initialize just one model).
@param model_file : c string model filename
@param len : length of the model filename
@return the id of the new detector
extern "C"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#endif //_WINDOWS
size_t init_yolo_detector(size_t len, const char* model_file)
@brief initializes a new plates type classifier by loading its model file and returns its unique id
@param model_file : c string model filename (must be allocated by the calling program)
@param len : length of the model filename
@return the id of the new detector
extern "C"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#endif //_WINDOWS
size_t init_plates_classifer(size_t len, const char* model_file)
@brief detect lpn in frame. This function uses a two stage detection method that requires two models.
please make sure you have initialized the lpreditor_anpr_global_view model in the init_yolo_detector function (see sample_cpp for uses examples).
@param width : width of source image
@param height : height of source image
@param pixOpt : pixel type : 1 (8 bpp greyscale image) 3 (RGB 24 bpp image) or 4 (RGBA 32 bpp image)
@param *pbData : source image bytes buffer
@param step Number of bytes each matrix row occupies. The value should include the padding bytes at
the end of each row, if any..See sample_cpp for a use case.
@param id_global_view : unique id to a model initialized in init_yolo_detector function. See init_yolo_detector function.
@param id_focused_on_lp : unique id to a model initialized in init_yolo_detector function. See init_yolo_detector function.
@param lpn_len : length of the preallocated c string to store the resulting license plate number.
@param lpn : the resulting license plate number as a c string, allocated by the calling program.
@return true upon success
@brief detect lpn in frame. This function uses a two stage detection method that requires two models.
please make sure you have initialized the lpreditor_anpr_global_view model in the init_yolo_detector function (see sample_cpp for uses examples).
@param width : width of source image
@param width : width of source image
@param height : height of source image
@param pixOpt : pixel type : 1 (8 bpp greyscale image) 3 (RGB 24 bpp image) or 4 (RGBA 32 bpp image)
@param *pbData : source image bytes buffer
@param step Number of bytes each matrix row occupies. The value should include the padding bytes at
the end of each row, if any..See sample_cpp for a use case.
@param id_global_view : unique id to a model initialized in init_yolo_detector function. See init_yolo_detector function.
@param id_focused_on_lp : unique id to a model initialized in init_yolo_detector function. See init_yolo_detector function.
@param id_plates_types_classifier : unique id to a model initialized in init_plates_classifer function. See init_plates_classifer function.
@param lpn_len : length of the preallocated c string to store the resulting license plate number.
@param lpn : the resulting license plate number as a c string, allocated by the calling program.
extern "C"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#endif //_WINDOWS
bool two_stage_lpr_plates_type_detection
(const int width,//width of image
const int height,//height of image i.e. the specified dimensions of the image
const int pixOpt,// pixel type : 1 (8 bpp greyscale image) 3 (RGB 24 bpp image) or 4 (RGBA 32 bpp image)
void* pbData, size_t step// source image bytes buffer
, size_t id_global_view, size_t id_focused_on_lp, size_t id_plates_types_classifier, size_t lpn_len, char* lpn)
@brief call this func once you have finished with the detector --> to free heap allocated memeory
@param id : unique interger to identify the detector to be freed
@return true upon success
extern "C"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#endif //_WINDOWS
bool close_detector(size_t id)
@brief call this func once you have finished with the classifier --> to free heap allocated memeory
@param id : unique interger to identify the classifier to be freed
@return true upon success
extern "C"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#endif //_WINDOWS
bool close_plates_types_classifier(size_t id)
The repo comes with a example, called sample_cpp. It needs to load images.
The easiest way is to use cmake (since sample_cpp comes with CMakeLists.txt file), to configure and generate the solution. This way, you make sure that the projrct links to the LPReditor_ANPR_Lib library (on windows files LPReditor_ANPR_Lib.lib + LPReditor_ANPR_Lib.dll or, on linux, file libLPReditor_ANPR_Lib.so).
Building will produce an executable, with command line options (see them in the sample_cpp.cpp file or below). It can read lpn(s) from a single image file or alternatively, from multiple image files, in a common directory. If the actual license plate number is provided (see func getTrueLPN in the code), in the image filename, then statistics of the correctness of the readings, are available.
Note that the binary release, sample_cpp, is available in the repo :
Below is the syntax :
sample_cpp -global_view_model=path/to/lpreditor_anpr_global_view.onnx -focused_on_lp_model=path/to/lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lp.onnx [-image=path/to/your/image/file][-dir=path/to/your/image/dir] -plates_types_model=path/to/plates_types_7.onnx] -plates_types_labels =path/to/plates_types_7.txt]
Example :
sample_cpp -focused_on_lp_model=../../data/models/lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lp.onnx -global_view_model=../../data/models/lpreditor_anpr_global_view.onnx -dir=../../data/images/benchmarks-master/endtoend/plate_un -plates_types_model=../../data/models/plates_types_7.onnx -plates_types_labels=../../data/models/plates_types_7.txt
Mandatory : to operate, the executable must load the model file(s). Another option, is to train your own model, on your dataset, using and then
Copyright © 2021 , OpenCV team Apache 2 License
Copyright © 2020 Microsoft. All rights reserved. MIT License
by Glenn Jocher (Ultralytics.com) GPL-3.0 License
Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MIT License
Benchmark tests supporting the openalpr , Affero GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
All files are subject to GNU General Public License v3.0.
Commercial-friendly licensing available.
The the openalpr benchmark is made of 455 images, originally split in three different sets (brazilian, eu, us). I mergesd theses sets in a single directory, called plate_un. Furthermore I renamed the images, in order that, the license plate number is shown in the filename.
To be fair, none of these images has been used in training/testing phase of this engine dev.
Origin | command line | Score : Exact readings | Score : readings with at most one error on one character | Speed (im/s) with ONNX provided with CUDA Execution (Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060S) |
brazil + eu + us | sample_cpp -focused_on_lp_model=../../data/models/lpreditor_anpr_focused_on_lp.onnx -global_view_model=../../data/models/lpreditor_anpr_global_view.onnx -dir=../../data/images/benchmarks-master/endtoend/plate_un -plates_types_model=../../data/models/plates_types_7.onnx -plates_types_labels=../../data/models/plates_types_7.txt | 0.90 | 0.97 | 5 im/s |
One error on one character means that the numberplate, read by the engine, differs to the actual numberplate, with at most one character : either the engine misses a character, either it detects a charcater where there is nothing, either it missreads a character, either it reads correctly the numberplate.
You can make the test yourself, using the sample_cpp demo project (with command line args like above).
For windows users, there exists also an executable, called aveditor, that is made freely available. That software allows to detect and recognise vehicles in video files. It is build upon this library.You can download this software here