A Progressive Web Application which transforms concert setlists into Spotify Playlists. You can find it at Spotlist.net
- Spotlist is a full stack application which creates playlists in a user's Spotify account from a setlist.fm setlist.
- Spotlist's frontend is built in Javascript on the React framework.
- Spotlist's backend is a Node.js server built on the Express framework, hosted on an AWS EC2 instance and accessed through AWS's API Gateway. The server persists through the use of Screen, a Linux terminal multiplexer. The backend can be found at the following repository.
- The purpose of Spotlist is to allow concert goers, in 3 clicks, to effortlessly create a playlist in their Spotify account with every song from the setlist of their choice.
- React
- Javascript
- Service Workers
- CSS Modules
- Screen
Spotlist provides the following features:
- The ability to create a playlist, comprising of all the songs from a chosen setlist, in the user's Spotify account from a setlist.fm link.
- Spotlist also provides the user with the name (and associated artist) of all songs that were not available on Spotify.
- The application is lightweight and designed as a progressive web app whereby users can take advantage of modern web technologies including background sync, notifications, offline mode...
- Spotlist creates and assigns a custom name and description for the playlist based upon data parsed from the setlist while also allowing user's to input their own name and description if desired.
The application is available at Spotlist.net
To do:
- Dark Mode
Created by Frank Pierce - feel free to contact me!