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v2.0 Release Candidate 3

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@igaw igaw released this 11 Feb 13:13
· 2067 commits to master since this release

This release candidate brings bunch of small bug fixes and updates to API changes
in libnvme v1.0-rc3.

One thing which might be worth mention here, the O_EXCL flag was added by
default when opening the devices. Though the commit which introduced it
triggered some fallouts. The fix is not to add O_EXCL by default. Nothing too
serious, just something worth mentioning here.

Please keep testing and report bugs.

AkhileshRN (1):
      Added telemetry log fetch support for SN810, SN530 and SN740 series NVMe SSDs through wdc vs-internal-log command

Andrew Maier (2):
      README: Update the ubuntu install instructions
      README: Fix 80 character formatting issue

Arunpandian J (2):
      nvme: Add Enhanced Controller Meta Data(FID: 0x7D)
      nvme: Add Supported Capacity Configuration List log page(LID: 0x11)

Daniel Wagner (13):
      nvme-print: Add NVME_FEAT_FID_ENH_CTRL_METADATA to nvme_feature_to_string
      build: Make CI build fail on warnings.
      nvme: Provide format string for fprintf in get_ns_id
      nvme: Rename LIBJSONC_14 to CONFIG_JSONC_14
      build: Update libnvme wrap
      nvme: Fix --force flag inversion
      nvmf: Remove --matching from systemd service file
      docs: Introduce documentation build option
      nvme-print: Remove dead !LIBUUID code
      argconfig: Increase the flag value
      nvme: Allow --verbose flag to increase log level
      nvme-print: Fix json output for list-subsys
      build: Update libnvme wrap

Jeff Lien (3):
      nvme: Add support for data area 4 to get-telemetry-log
      [nvme-cli] Fix vs-smart-add-log command for SN650 devices
      [nvme-cli] Fix sn650 capabilities setting   Change sn450 name to sn560   Update wdc plugin version to 1.16.3

Steven Seungcheol Lee (14):
      rpmbuild: enable rpmbuild via make rpm
      rpmbuild: Add json required version that detected from meson
      meson: fix default dracut directory based on dracut manual
      subprojects: libnvme update
      nvme: Add nulbaf(Number of Unique Capability LBA Formats) field on nvmd_id_ns
      nvme: Add id-ns-lba-format(CNS 09h) command from TP4095
      nvme: Add NVM Command Set specific identify namespace command
      nvme: Add nvm-id-ns-lba-format(CNS 0Ah) command from TP4095
      nvme-print: remove unused nvme_show_id_ctrl function
      common.h: remove unused macros
      subproject: libnvme.wrap update
      nvme: fix dsm, dspec wrong usage
      nvme: io dry-run command meant to be show command based on help
      nvme: No need to get nsid twice