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module remove

tpalino edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 4 revisions

Module: Remove

The remove module simplifies the task of removing a single broker from the cluster. This is helpful in the case of needing to shrink a cluster, or migrating partition off of a broker before performing hardware maintenance. The replication factor of the partitions is maintained by replacing the broker being removed with another broker in the cluster.


The following are the options for this module:

Option Required Argument Default Description
--broker yes integers The broker ID to be removed from the cluster
--to_brokers no list of integers all cluster brokers A list (space separated) of broker IDs to be used to replace the broker being removed. If not specified, all brokers in the cluster (except the one being removed) are used


All examples assume the cluster Zookeeper connect string is

Example 1: Remove the broker with ID 1234 from the cluster, replacing with all other brokers in the cluster -z -e remove -b 1234

Example 2: Remove the broker with ID 1234 from the cluster, replacing with only brokers 56, 78, and 90 -z -e remove --broker 1234 --to_brokers 56 78 90


Replacement brokers are selected in a round-robin fashion from the list of to_brokers. No attempt is made at balancing.

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