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Lina128 edited this page Mar 24, 2017 · 19 revisions

Trial is the basic unit in an experiment. The basic information of trials are in store.structure. The settings of trials are in store.entities.

trial in structure is an object with the following attributes:

Variable Type Default Description
id Number 1 an increasing unique index that represents the trial.
level String 'trial'
screenshot String '' a thumbnail of PNG encoding.
selected Boolean false whether the trial is currently selected.

trial in entities is a key value pair, key is the trial id, and value is an object with the following attributes:

Variable Type Description
id Number id is an increasing unique index that represents the trial.
type String can be: 'TEXT', 'IMAGE', 'IAT', etc.
name String can be: 'Text', 'Image', 'Implicit Association Test', etc.
condition Object {}
trialSetting Object within trialSetting, each attribute represents one setting with name type value options display hints
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