Welcome to the Ligand Discovery Project's main codebase. This project is led by Georg Winter's lab at CeMM in Vienna.
Below, you will find links to the repositories associated with the various components of the project:
- primary-paper-figures: Executable notebooks to produce the main paper figures. DOI.
- interactome-signatures: Executable notebooks for discovering interactome signatures from the primary screening data. DOI
- fragment-embedding: Train and predict fully-functionalized fragment descriptors. DOI
- mini-automl: Train small machine learning models using TabPFN. Includes scripts for promiscuity models and interactome signature models. DOI
- mini-xai: Notebook for the Shapley value analysis. DOI
- interactions: explore screening data as a standalone application. DOI
- protein-profile-explorer: Deploy the protein profile explorer (a.k.a. background checker). DOI
- protein-set-enrichment-analysis: Deploy the protein set enrichment analysis. DOI
- fragment-predictor: Deploy the fragment predictor based on promiscuity and interactome signature models. DOI
- on-the-fly-modeling: Simple app for on-demand modeling. DOI