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Itsy Bitsy Spider

Configure charlotte, give it a seed node, and it crawls the graph/tree of your services oriented architecture.


  • python 3.8 available at /usr/local/env python3
    • python >= 3.7 was chosen in order to use python dataclasses
    • python >= 3.8 was chosen in order to use unittest.mock AsyncMock
  • dot/graphviz binaries installed in system PATH (e.g. brew install graphviz)

Configure itsybitsy in 7 easy steps!

  1. Review the example project in examples/example-project
  2. Start a new project / empty folder
    1. mkdir myitsybitsy && cd myitsybitsy
    2. `venv'
    3. echo "git+ssh://" > requirements.txt
    4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure charlotte - the configuration engine with which you will describe your service graph to itsybitsy
    1. mkdir charlotte.d
    2. Create a/several ...CrawlStrategy.yaml file(s).
      1. Please see examples/ExampleSSHCrawlStrategy.yaml for example/documentation.
    3. Crate web.yaml file
      1. "Providers", "skips" , and "Hints" are all defined in examples/web.yaml.
  4. Run itsybitsy --help for all available commands and itsybitsy spider --help and itsybitsy render --help for command specific configuration.
  5. Disable builtin provider with the argument --disable-providers ssh aws k8s
  6. Set any configurations which are known to be required for every run in spider.conf see ./examples/spider.conf.example
  7. Hint: spider.conf is always inherited, but you can create different profiles such as and reference them with the --profile arg

Note: unlike the spider command, render is written to stand alone and parse the default json file in outputs/.lastrun.json it requires no arguments by default.


1 Run in spider mode:

$ itsybitsy spider -s ssh:$SEED_IP
foo [seed] (
 |--HAP--? {ERR:TIMEOUT} UNKNOWN [port:80] (
 |--HAP--> mono [port:80/443] (
 |          |--NSQ--? {ERR:NULL_ADDRESS} UNKNOWN [some-multiplexor] (None)

3 Run in render mode

It will by default render the "last run" automatically dumped to .lastrun.json. Or you can pass in -f to load a specific file. The default renderer is ascii unless a different render is passed in, as in --output graphviz

$ itsybitsy render
foo [seed] (
 |--HAP--? {ERR:TIMEOUT} UNKNOWN [port:80] (
 |--HAP--> mono [port:80/443] (
 |          |--NSQ--? {ERR:NULL_ADDRESS} UNKNOWN [some-multiplexor] (None)


./itsybitsy --help


Unit Tests

Design Choices

  • pytest is used instead of unittest for more succinct test/reporting
  • pytest-mock is used for mocks, so you will see the mocker fixtures passed around magically for mocking. It is used in combination with the parameter new=sentinel.devnull in order to not pass the patched mock to the test function.
  • Arrange, Act, Assert test style is used
  • mocks are preferred for dependencies over production objects
  • tests of objects are organized into a TestClass named after the object 1) for organization and 2) so that IDEs can find the test/subject relationship.
  • tests are named in the following format: "test_{name_of_function}_case_{description_of_case}"
  • the string 'dummy' is used to indicate that a value is assigned solely to meet argument requirements, but unused otherwise
  • fixtures are placed in only if they are use in common between test packages, otherwise please keep them in the package they are used in
  • the idiomatic references 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'buz', etc are used when passing stub values around. if you choose not to follow precedent: please use something obvious like 'stub1', 'stub2', etc

Run tests


Run coverage

pytest --cov=water_spout tests

Static Code Analysis

prospector --profile .prospector.yaml