. 'cd' to the sources directory, . type 'make'
. click on the .\exe\phyml.dsp file . click on Build->Rebuild all . click on the file 'phyml.exe' that has been created in the folder .\Release
. 'cd' to the sources directory . remove the option '-static' from the CFLAGS . type 'make'
Posterior analysis of phyml_multi reconstruction needs either to run PartitioningHMM.py for HMM or PartitioningMM.py for maximum predictive partitioning.
These files need the installation of SARMENT libraries, there.
NAME phyml_multi, derived from PhyML, A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood.
Stephane Guindon and Olivier Gascuel, Systematic Biology 52(5):696-704, 2003. Please cite this paper if you use this software in your publications.
COMMAND-LINE USE phyml [ sequences data_type format data_sets bootstrap_sets model [kappa] invar nb_categ alpha tree opt_topology opt_lengths use_HMM nb of trees ]
You can use phyml with no arguments, in this case change the value of a parameter by typing its corresponding character as shown on screen.
You can alternatively use phyml with the following arguments :
sequence_file DNA or Amino-Acids sequence filename (PHYLIP format)
data type 0 = DNA | 1 = Amino-Acids
format i = interleaved sequence format | s = sequential
data_sets number of data sets to analyse (ex:3)
bootstrap_sets number of bootstrap data sets to generate (ex:2) only works with one data set to analyse
model substitution model name JC69 | K2P | F81 | HKY | F84 | TN93 (DNA) JTT | MtREV | Dayhoff | WAG (Amino-Acids)
kappa transition/transversion ratio, only for DNA sequences, a fixed value (ex:4.0) | e to get the maximum likelihood estimate
invar proportion of invariable sites, a fixed value (ex:0.0) | e to get the maximum likelihood estimate
nb_categ number of relative substitution rate categories (ex:4)
alpha gamma distribution parameter, a fixed value (ex:1.0) | e to get the maximum likelihood estimate
tree starting tree filename (Newick format), your tree filename | BIONJ for a distance-based tree
opt_topology optimise tree topology ? y | n
opt_lengths optimise branch lengths and rate parameters ? y | n
use_HMM use HMM ? n | y
number of trees How many trees (ex:4) ?
.DNA sequences, no HMM : ./phyml_multi seqs1 0 i 2 0 HKY 4.0 e 1 1.0 BIONJ y n n 2
.AA sequences, HMM : ./phyml_multi seqs2 1 i 1 5 JTT 0.0 4 1.0 BIONJ n n y 3
The file simSeq.phy contains an example alignment in which a recombination event occured. This is one of the simulated alignments as found in the "Evolutionary Bioinformatics" article. The breakpoint should be found at position 599. To use phyml_multi, type:
For use with the phylo-HMM:
phyml_multi simSeqs.phy 0 i 1 0 HKY e e 4 e BIONJ y y y 2
and then to see the segmentation (with SARMENT library):
python3 PartitioningHMM.py simSeqs.phy_phyml_siteLks.txt 0.997973 or : python3 PartitioningMM.py simSeqs.phy_phyml_siteLks.txt
For use with the mixture model: phyml_multi simSeqs.phy 0 i 1 0 HKY e e 4 e BIONJ y y n 2
and then to see the segmentation: python3 PartitioningMM.py simSeqs.phy_phyml_siteLks.txt
This should give you the right answer, in a matter of a few minutes on a single desktop computer.
For any question, contact bastien.boussau@univ-lyon1.fr
Boussau B, Guéguen L, Gouy M. A mixture model and a hidden markov model to simultaneously detect recombination breakpoints and reconstruct phylogenies. Evol Bioinform Online. 2009 Jun 25;5:67-79. doi: 10.4137/ebo.s2242. PMID: 19812727; PMCID: PMC2747125.