Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor x 32
- Memory: 128.0 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit)
- Upgrade Unity editor version: 2022.3.58f1 (LTS)
- SDF.Parse: Parse world/gui/camera/view_controller
- SDF.Import: Implement camera view mode (perspective/orthographic)
- CLOiSim.Message: modify Protobuf Messages
- TwistLiner/TwistAngular -> Twist.Liner/Twist.Angular
- change repeated field for bumper/contact/ir
- CLOiSimPlugin: Add new plugin, add new CLOiSimPlugin Type [IR]
- ContactPlugin
- RangePlugin -> (make RangePlugin to base class for IRPlugin and SonarPlugin)
- Devices:
- Modify Sensor/Contact sensor Devices
- catch lastest sensor data
- Modify MicomSensor Device
- return bumper contacts / Sonar info
- Update Sensor status in GenerateMessage()
- Update Odom info in FixedUpdate()
- add UpdateBattery() method
- Set timestamp for micom message in FixedUpdate()
- Modify Sensor/Contact sensor Devices
- SDF.Parser: DebugLogWriter script moved
- UI: modify default main camera parameters
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify DeviceMessage/DeviceMessageQueue
- add try/catch statement in SetMesasge() and Push()
- add protection code
- Modfiy attachedDevices in CLOiSimPlugin
- change data type to List from Dictionary
- Device: Modify Sonar Devices
- set default value for range with Max range value
Bug fix
- UI.CameraControl: fix wrong condition check in Change camera view and resolve gimbol lock issue
- Devices:
- Fix and modify Contact Device
- handle multiple collision contact within same objects
- implement Wrench info -> only force
- Change mode type TX(Coroutine) -> TX_THREAD
- Implement message queue
- Update Period control in CollisionStay()
- Publish empty message if collision is not occured
- Modfiy Sonar Sensor Devices
- sonar sensor return wrong range when object is suddenly removed.
- manage and monitor Collider objects to detect the object deleted by key or command
- Fix and modify Contact Device
Version matching for this release
ros2 jazzy
- cloisim_ros: jazzy-4.7.0
ros2 humble
- cloisim_ros: humble-3.12.0
ros2 foxy
will not support the latest version of CLOiSim, backporting is not planned
is included incloisim_ros
as a git submodule -
What's Changed
- Add/new/cloisimplugin/contact by @hyunseok-yang in #343
- Modify/cl oi sim plugin by @hyunseok-yang in #344
- Merge from 'develop' into 'main' for CLOiSim-4.10.0 by @hyunseok-yang in #345
Full Changelog: 4.9.8...4.10.0