##Build and Run
cd assembly-che
git clone https://github.com/codenvy/assembly-che.git
To run the script you need to generate an access token in your github account: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/
Set github token environment variable
export GITHUB_TOKEN=[paste generated token]
Run the script
mvn clean install
cd sdk
./che [ start | stop ]
Che will be available at localhost:8080
##Add Own Extensions
There are two ways to create own Che assembly with a custom extension: automated and manual. There's no difference in terms of what needs to be done - the script does what you can do by hand to better understand the process.
###Script-Based Approach
Build your extension, copy jar to /ext directory, run extInstall.sh script and start Che:
cd ~/sdk/assembly-sdk/target/tomcat-ide/ext
cp ~/your-extension-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .
cd ..
cd ~/sdk
./che.sh start
Che will be recompiled and your custom jar will be included to the bundle.
###Creating Che Assembly Manually
####Add Plug-In Dependency
Build your extension:
mvn clean install
Then, add your plug-in as a dependency. When re-compiling Che, the plug-in jar will be picked from your local Maven repository and included in the Che bundle. Add the dependency to:
Note that the dependenies has to be sorted alphabetically. The dependencies without scope provided come first, and then scope provided second. The best way here is to sort pom.xml just after adding the dependency to make sure it is OK:
mvn sortpom:sort
####Define a Module
Navigate to sdk/assembly-ide/src/main/resources/com/codenvy/ide and open IDE.gwt.xml which species the GWT application and defines all modules. This defines all of the models for the application. When GWT boots, it injects the classes defined in the gwt.xml file from your extension class, HellowWorldExtension. You need to add an inheritance to the extension, provided that the project gwt module is located at /src/main/resources/com/codenvy/ide/ext/helloworld/HelloWorldExtension.gwt.xml:
cd ~/sdk/assembly-ide/src/main/resources/com/codenvy/ide
And add the following to IDE.gwt.xml:
<inherits name="com.codenvy.ide.ext.helloworld.HelloWorldExtension"/>
Name differes depending on name and location of gwt.xml of a custom extension.
Finally, rebuild Che:
mvn clean install