It is estimated that roughly 30% of patients visiting the primary care have musculoskeletal complaints (MSK). Many of these patients are referred to the rheumatology outpatient clinic by the first healthcare provider (GP). Providing timely and appropriate care is crucial for the future prognosis of these patients, but the specific type of care needed varies depending on the diagnosis. We aimed to optimize the triaging procedure by automatically screening and prioritizing patients with AI methods. Using only the contents of the referral letters, we developed Machine Learning (ML) models to identify RA, OA, FMS and patients needing chronic care (>3 months).
For more information see our article published in npj Digital Medicine:
Prerequisite: Install Anaconda with python version 3.6+. This additionally installs the Anaconda Prompt, which you can find in the windows search bar. Use this Anaconda prompt to run the commands mentioned below.
Prerequisite: conda environment (with jupyter notebook). Use the terminal to run the commands mentioned below.
Install Jupyter Notebook:
$ conda install -c anaconda notebook
Before running, please install the dependencies.
prerequisite: conda3
$ bash
prerequisite: pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Start a notebook session in the terminal
$ notebook
Which will start a notebook session in the browser from which you can inspect the notebook files.
General study flow showing the different steps of our approach.
If you were to use this pipeline, please use the following citation:
Maarseveen, T.D., Glas, H.K., Veris-van Dieren, J. et al. Improving musculoskeletal care with AI enhanced triage through data driven screening of referral letters. npj Digit. Med. 8, 98 (2025).
If you experience difficulties with implementing the pipeline or if you have any other questions feel free to send me an e-mail. You can contact me on: