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Contextualizing RBMFC in the Brazilian postgraduate education scenario


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Contextualizing RBMFC in the Brazilian postgraduate education scenario

Copyright © 2022 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0; see LICENSE.

This is the analytic code for the equally named manuscript, to be submitted to ABEC Meeting 2022. It downloads open data from CAPES and tabulates which postgraduate programs published how many articles in which journals during years 2017-2020.

The analytic code (rbmfc_capes.R) is meant to be run with R version 4.2.1 and packages data.table 1.14.2 and renv 0.15.5. Starting R from the same directory as the code, or opening the project file rbmfc_capes.Rproj in RStudio, should be enough for renv to ensure the appropriate versions are available run running the code. This is just an additional precaution, as the code is expected to run just fine with other versions.

Running the analytic code will create two directories: data_raw and data. Open data from CAPES will be downloaded into data_raw, and tabulated data will be written to data. There will be one comma-separated values (CSV) file for each journal, named after one of its ISSN.

By default, the analytic code tabulates data for two journals: Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (e-ISSN 2179-7994, ISSN-L 1809-5909) and Revista de APS (e-ISSN 1809-8363, ISSN-L 1516-7704). If you want to run a similar analysis for another journal(s), take hold of all the ISSNs and edit these lines of code in rbmfc_capes.R, section "Pick journals":

focal_journals <- list(
  # Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade
  c("2179-7994", "1809-5909"),
  # Revista de APS
  c("1809-8363", "1516-7704")

Some background: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) is the governmental organization responsible for coordinating "strict sense" postgraduate programs, that is, those offering masters' and PhD courses. CAPES groups postgraduate programs in "evaluation areas" for the purpose of evaluating, regulating and funding the postgraduate programs. A major part of the evaluation consists in assessing the postgraduate programs' scholarly output. In turn, ranking the journals within the evaluation areas is a major part of assessing the scholarly output.


Contextualizing RBMFC in the Brazilian postgraduate education scenario








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