Wrapper for Last.FM API v2 with ES6 style classes and promises. Supports Desktop, Web and Mobile auth. http://www.last.fm/api
You need an API key and secret:
- http://www.last.fm/api/account/create
- Note your API Key and Secret. (If using the examples in this module add them to examples/apikey.json)
npm install last.fm.api --save
All API methods listed in the developer documentation http://www.last.fm/api are mapped to the API class. e.g. api.album.getTags() for the API method album.getTags. You do not need to supply api_sig and api_key to the methods, these will be generated automatically. You must supply sk (session key) for methods that require it.
'use strict';
const API = require('last.fm.api'),
api = new API({
apiKey: '<YOUR API KEY>',
apiSecret: '<YOUR API SECRET>'
new API(options);
- apiKey String - Your API key
- apiSecret String - Your API secret
- debug Boolean - If true the URL and Querystring/Form Body are written to the console. (default
) - username String - Your Last.FM username, required when using authentication for Mobile apps (optional)
- password String - Your Last.FM password, required when using authentication for Mobile apps (optional)
There are a lot of examples in the /examples folder which I've tried to comment thoroughly. Likewise there are examples of Desktop, Mobile and Web Authorisation.
'use strict';
const API = require('last.fm.api'),
api = new API({
apiKey: '<YOUR API KEY>',
apiSecret: '<YOUR API SECRET>'
artist: 'nirvana',
album: 'nevermind'
.then(tags => { console.log(tags); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err); });
// tags = ...
"tags": {
"tag": [{
"name": "metal",
"url": "http://www.last.fm/tag/metal"
}, {
"name": "punk",
"url": "http://www.last.fm/tag/punk"
}, {
"name": "Grunge",
"url": "http://www.last.fm/tag/Grunge"
}, {
"name": "noise",
"url": "http://www.last.fm/tag/noise"
"@attr": {
"artist": "Nirvana",
"album": "Nevermind"
} */
To get a session key for mobile apps
'use strict';
const API = require('last.fm.api'),
api = new API({
apiKey: '<YOUR API KEY>',
apiSecret: '<YOUR API SECRET>',
debug: true,
username: '<YOUR USERNAME>',
password: '<YOUR PASSWORD>'
// Get Mobile Session by supplying username and password into API constructor
.then(json => json.session)
.then(session => {
console.log('session', session);
.catch(err => {
console.error('ERRORED!', JSON.stringify(err));
// result = ...
"subscriber": 0,
"name": "<YOUR USERNAME>",
"key": "<SESSION KEY>"
} */