Distributed pressure measurement for docker & k8s. Using Boomer locust with prometheues and grafana.
View testerhome for more details: https://testerhome.com/topics/24828
Contact me on QQ group: 552643038
To run http/https examples:
# get code
git clone git@github.com:ShaoNianyr/boomer_locust.git
cd boomer_locust
# run server with docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
# view your urls
locust http://localhost:8089
Set slave targetUrl:
image: shaonian/locust-slave:latest
- ./target
- --master-host=locust-master
- --master-port=5557
- --url=http://flask-demo:5000
You can set the targetUrl by using '--url'.
TargetUrl in docker is combined by image_name and port.
TargetUrl in k8s is combined by svc_name.namspace and port.
To run grpc examples:
# get code
git clone git@github.com:ShaoNianyr/boomer_locust.git
cd boomer_locust/grpc
# run server with docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
# view your urls
locust http://localhost:8089
Set slave targetUrl and targetData:
image: shaonian/locust-slave-rpc:latest
- ./helloworld.pb
- --master-host=locust-master
- --master-port=5557
- --url=grpc-demo:50051
- --data={"name":"world"}
You can set the targetUrl and targetData by using '--url' and '--data'.
TargetUrl in docker is combined by image_name and port.
TargetUrl in k8s is combined by svc_name.namspace and port.
If you need grafana,please uncomment the following codes in your docker-compose.yml.
# prometheus:
# image: prom/prometheus
# volumes:
# - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
# - ./prometheus/data:/root/prometheus/prometheus-data
# links:
# - locust-master
# ports:
# - "9090:9090"
# grafana:
# image: grafana/grafana
# volumes:
# - ./grafana/data:/var/lib/grafana
# links:
# - prometheus
# ports:
# - "3000:3000"
Grafana Dashboard:
For more detail, view testerhome: https://testerhome.com/topics/24828
Open source licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file for details).