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This repository contains code for the paper Task Ambiguity in Humans and Language Models.

Within this repository is AmbiBench, a new benchmark of six ambiguously-specified classification tasks. The goal of AmbiBench is to construct a testbed of minimal complexity where we can control and measure the degree of ambiguity in various task specifications.

The code contains functionality to test language models on the three different AmbiBench settings discussed in the paper:

  1. task disambiguation using natural language instructions
  2. task disambiguation using multiple examples
  3. finetuning a model to generalize well in the face of ambiguity


  1. create a virtualenv (

  2. pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. create a file named and create a variable named OPENAI_API_KEY = ‘your key goes here’

Running Experiments

Example command: --shots=20 --model=’davinci’ --need_informative=False

It is currently only possible to use this codebase to run tests using the OpenAI API as tests done on other models in the paper used an internal API. If you desire to use AmbiBench with non-OpenAI models, please refer to the API documentation for that model and modify the neccessary information in and

When calling, you can add arguments specifying:

type_1 (str) : {‘subject_location’, ‘religious_pronoun’, ‘propn_negation’}
type_2 (str) : {‘subject_location’, ‘religious_pronoun’, ‘propn_negation’}
type_3 (str): {‘subject_location’, ‘religious_pronoun’, ‘propn_negation’}
shots (int): n >= 0
model (str): if using OpenAI API, name of model to use (e.g. ‘text-davinci-002’)
format_1 (str): {‘arrow’, ‘qa’}
format_2 (str): {‘arrow’, ‘qa’}
need_instruction (bool): True if an instruction is required
need_informative (bool): True if the instruction should be an informative instruction (as opposed to an uninformative instruction)
verbose (bool): True if would like to see intermediate results when running tests
crfm (bool): True if the tests are run on the Stanford CRFM API (as opposed to OpenAI API)
prob_of_ambigous (float): The percentage of examples that should be ambiguous
togethercomputer (bool): True if generating a json to send to Stanford internal T0pp testing API
finetuning_control (bool): True if test is control test for finetuning (as opposed to ambiguous test)

To reproduce all tests discussed in the paper, only shots, model, need_informative, and finetuning_control need to be modified (for OpenAI models).

The all_tests = … line will also need to be modified.

1. Task disambiguation using natural language instruction

Example command: --shots=20 --need_informative=False --model=’davinci’

For the arguments for the argparse defined in, make sure that shots = 20, need_informative = False, and model is set to whatever model you want to run the test on.

Also, in, ensure that:

all_tests = tester.run_two_feature_tests(args)

2. Task disambiguation using multiple examples

Example command: --shots=1 --need_informative=False --model=’davinci’

Make sure that shots = 1, need_informative = True if running test with informative instructions and False if running test with uninformative instructions, and model is set to whatever model you want to test on.

Also, in, ensure that:

all_tests = tester.run_two_feature_tests_with_two_set(args)

3. Finetuning a model to generalize well in the face of ambiguity

Example command: --shots=20 --need_informative=False --model=’custom_finetuned_model’

Make sure that shots = 20, need_informative = False.

If running the control experiments (finetuning on unambiguous data), set finetuning_control = True. If running the ambiguous experiments, set finetuning_control = False.

Then in

  1. in run_baseline_tests_for_finetuning, make sure that salient_task_list contains only the tasks you want to finetune on. In our experiments, we withheld one construction_type pair (either ‘subject’ & ‘location’, ‘religious’ & ‘pronoun’, or ‘propn’ & ‘negation’) were withheld from salient_task_list.

  2. in run_finetuned_set, salient_task_list contains only the two tasks withheld from salient_task_list in run_baseline_tests_for_finetuning.


first run tester.baseline_tests_for_finetuning(args) then all_tests = tester.run_finetuned_set(args)

run_baseline_tests_for_finetuning will only create the local file with which to finetune an OpenAI model. To finetune the model, follow the instructions on

After finetuning and prior to running run_finetuned_set, change model to the name of your finetuned model (provided by OpenAI API).

For all tests, set file_name to the path at which you want to save the results.



v = Visualizer(all_tests, args.needs_instruction) v.visualize_accuracy()

Create a new Visualizer object and call the function corresponding to the test you ran (docstrings for each function available in Generally, for (1), use visualize_accuracy. And for (2), use visualize_accuracy_across_shots. And for (3), use plot_individual_finetuning_performance_for_heldout.

In you can set the output path for the generated figure in the last line of each function.


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