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Facial emotion recognition and detection using CNN

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This project involves building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for facial emotion recognition using the FER-2013 dataset. It preprocesses images, trains the model, evaluates accuracy, visualizes performance and includes a prediction function to classify emotions from images with confidence scores.

Execution Guide:

  1. Run the following command line in the terminal:

    pip install numpy pandas matplotlib opencv-python tensorflow scikit-learn
  2. Download the dataset (link to the datsset:

  3. Upon running the code it saves a file named model.keras (this file stores the trained model)

  4. Enter the path of the image and the code will provide the prediction according to it

Accuracy & Loss Over Epochs:



Model Prediction:









The code is used for building, training and evaluating a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for facial emotion recognition using the FER-2013 dataset. Here's an overview of the various steps and components involved:

  1. Importing Libraries:

    • Essential libraries for data manipulation (NumPy, pandas), image processing (OpenCV, matplotlib, seaborn), and model development (TensorFlow, Keras) are imported.
    • Warnings are suppressed to avoid unnecessary messages during execution.
  2. Downloading and Unzipping the Dataset:

    • The dataset (fer2013) is downloaded from Kaggle using the !kaggle datasets download command.
    • The dataset is unzipped using Python’s zipfile module.
  3. Data Preprocessing:

    • Image data augmentation is applied using ImageDataGenerator for training images, which includes random transformations (like shifts and horizontal flips) to improve model generalization.
    • The images are scaled to a range between 0 and 1 (rescale=1.0 / 255).
    • A validation split is set aside from the training set to evaluate model performance.
    • Separate generators are created for the training and validation sets (train_generator and validation_generator).
  4. Model Architecture:

    • A Sequential CNN model is defined with the following layers:
      • Convolutional layers (Conv2D) to learn spatial hierarchies of features.
      • Max-pooling layers (MaxPool2D) to downsample the feature maps.
      • Batch Normalization layers for faster convergence and reduced internal covariate shift.
      • Dropout layers for regularization to prevent overfitting.
      • Dense layers for classification with softmax activation to output the probability of each emotion class.
    • The model ends with a final output layer of 7 neurons (one for each emotion class) and softmax activation.
  5. Model Compilation:

    • The Adam optimizer is used with a low learning rate (0.0001) for gradient descent optimization.
    • The loss function used is categorical_crossentropy (suitable for multi-class classification).
  6. Training the Model:

    • The model is trained using the fit method with the training data (train_generator) and evaluated on the validation data (validation_generator).
    • The number of epochs is set to 100, and the model's training and validation accuracy/loss are tracked.
  7. Model Evaluation:

    • After training, the model is evaluated on both the training and validation datasets using the evaluate method, and the accuracy is printed for both.
  8. Confusion Matrix:

    • A confusion matrix is generated to visualize the performance of the model on the validation data. This matrix is plotted using ConfusionMatrixDisplay to show true vs predicted labels.
  9. Visualization of Accuracy and Loss:

    • Accuracy and loss over epochs are plotted for both training and validation sets. This helps visualize the learning curve and assess model convergence.
  10. Prediction Function:

  • A predict_emotion function is defined to predict the emotion of a given image. It:
    • Loads and preprocesses the input image.
    • Passes the image through the trained model to get predictions.
    • Maps the predicted class to the corresponding emotion label.
    • Displays the image with the predicted emotion and confidence score.
  • The function is then used to predict the emotion of an example image (img_path).

Key Points:

  • Dataset: FER-2013 dataset with 7 emotion classes (angry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise).
  • Data Augmentation: Applied to the training set to improve generalization.
  • CNN Architecture: Multiple convolutional layers with pooling, dropout for regularization, and dense layers for classification.
  • Evaluation Metrics: Accuracy, confusion matrix, and loss/accuracy visualization are used for model evaluation.
  • Emotion Prediction: Function to predict emotion from a given image and display the result with confidence.

Final Output:

The code predicts the emotion of a given image, displays it and shows the confidence of the prediction. The model's performance is tracked through accuracy metrics and visualizations during training.