Releases: koudaiii/learn-microsoft-com-update-checker
Releases · koudaiii/learn-microsoft-com-update-checker
What's Changed
- Update README by @koudaiii in #33
- setup timezones('Asia/Tokyo', 'America/New_York', 'Europe/London' by @koudaiii in #34
- Feature: Display Time Elapsed Since Last Update (e.g., "xx days ago") by @koudaiii in #36
- update screenshot by @koudaiii in #37
- Bump up to 1.6 by @koudaiii in #38
- for chrome extension by @koudaiii in #39
Full Changelog: 1.5...1.6
What's Changed
- Run in all languages by @koudaiii in #23
- if GITHUB_ACTIONS is, use headless by @koudaiii in #24
- Create node.js.yml by @koudaiii in #25
- fix naming by @koudaiii in #26
- Update popup page by @koudaiii in #27
- add comment about languageLabels by @koudaiii in #28
- Add demo images by @koudaiii in #29
- update manifest file by @koudaiii in #30
- Bump up to 1.5 by @koudaiii in #31
- Manifest description field is too long (192). Maximum length is 132 characters. by @koudaiii in #32
Full Changelog: 1.4...1.5
What's Changed
- refactor about currentLang by @koudaiii in #12
- if the page is in en-us, early return by @koudaiii in #13
- Change waitForSelector from aria-label to data-article-date by @koudaiii in #14
- Added test with theme selected. by @koudaiii in #15
- Add wait time, because of resolve freaky test by @koudaiii in #16
- Add test about should not run script on en-us pages on some theme by @koudaiii in #17
- add debug log about theme by @koudaiii in #18
- languageLabels is a dictionary that maps message from language codes to the corresponding language by @koudaiii in #19
- refactoring test case by @koudaiii in #22
- Bump up to 1.4 by @koudaiii in #20
Full Changelog: 1.3...1.4