Releases: konstructio/kubefirst-api
Releases · konstructio/kubefirst-api
What's Changed
- update argocd port for delete by @jarededwards in #239
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5
What's Changed
- telemetry adjustments by @johndietz in #216
- missed go sum by @jarededwards in #217
- adjust events signature by @jarededwards in #218
- fix the starting event for telemetry init by @johndietz in #219
- chart update and image bump by @jarededwards in #220
- bump metrics client version by @jarededwards in #221
- latest hook by @johndietz in #222
- Adjust heartbeat by @jarededwards in #223
- calls to original cluster route by @johndietz in #224
- updating anticipated http response code by @johndietz in #225
- pin gitops-template repo by @jarededwards in #215
- 2.3.0 adoption by @johndietz in #226
- heartbeat adjustment by @johndietz in #227
- update api pin by @johndietz in #228
- adopt 2.3.3 api version by @johndietz in #231
- increase vault wait timeout by @jarededwards in #233
- fix: change api to understand it's cluster zero by default by @johndietz in #232
- chore: ping gitops 2-3-5 by @CristhianF7 in #234
- feat: call new api route by @k8swrangler in #230
- Source of truth by @D-B-Hawk in #236
- docs: add information on how to use local API with the CLI by @fharper in #235
- bump timeout for waiting on final deployments by @jarededwards in #237
- initial commit for adding machine type and count by @jarededwards in #229
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
What's Changed
- fix: moving subdomain out of runtime by @johndietz in #214
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
What's Changed
- shifting telemetry to pkg from internal by @johndietz in #213
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What's Changed
- write cf origin token to vault by @jarededwards in #200
- initial aws virtuals by @jarededwards in #175
- delete environment by id by @D-B-Hawk in #186
- add route to update environment by id with either description and or … by @D-B-Hawk in #203
- fix: allow continued start when import secret doesn't exist (k3d) by @johndietz in #204
- google fixes and virtual clusters by @jarededwards in #205
- update app label by @jarededwards in #201
- use kubefirst runtime at v0.3.27 by @D-B-Hawk in #206
- add vultr cluster management adjustments by @jarededwards in #207
- Vultr tf env var by @jarededwards in #208
- fix: remove unnecessary env by @CristhianF7 in #209
- fix: add bson attr for subdomain by @k8swrangler in #210
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4
What's Changed
- chore: ci refresh by @CristhianF7 in #168
- Google domains by @D-B-Hawk in #166
- chore: add optional ForceDestroy to ClusterDefinition by @D-B-Hawk in #169
- fix: tweaks by @CristhianF7 in #171
- Fix: digitalocean vultr / import/export create by @k8swrangler in #173
- fix: port forward by @k8swrangler in #174
- fix: adding ability to detokenize container registry by @johndietz in #176
- List instance sizes by @D-B-Hawk in #172
- bump runtime by @D-B-Hawk in #178
- bump version by @D-B-Hawk in #180
- add job to establish secrets for chart by @jarededwards in #179
- container registry url adjustments by @johndietz in #177
- Update create-secret-job.yaml by @jarededwards in #181
- initial delay by @jarededwards in #182
- retry mongo db connection or fail by @D-B-Hawk in #183
- adding debugging logs to help understand import issue by @johndietz in #185
- add logging formatter by @johndietz in #187
- kubefirst-api adjustments for secret-based export import by @johndietz in #188
- allow cluster zero to skip import and don't require cloud provider by @johndietz in #189
- remove values.yaml override of image tag by @johndietz in #190
- accommodate subdomains on atlantis url by @johndietz in #191
- console links to accommodate subdomain by @johndietz in #192
- changing wait to crossplane instead of kubefirst by @johndietz in #193
- use vars that have values by @johndietz in #194
- fix: gitops catalog by @CristhianF7 in #195
- fix: missing import by @CristhianF7 in #196
- fix: subdomain by @CristhianF7 in #197
- feat: add workload cluster set by @k8swrangler in #198
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3
What's Changed
- fix: environment struct and export cluster status by @CristhianF7 in #167
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2
What's Changed
- Create draft of API. by @echoboomer in #1
- Add Civo stuff, set up templates, finish AWS routes. by @echoboomer in #2
- add a license by @fharper in #3
- wip: second draft by @echoboomer in #4
- feat: civo by @echoboomer in #5
- feat: digitalocean and vultr support by @echoboomer in #6
- chore: readme bump by @echoboomer in #7
- chore: readme enhancements by @echoboomer in #8
- fix: resolve several gitlab bugs by @echoboomer in #9
- feat: aws support by @echoboomer in #10
- readme bump with aws instructions by @echoboomer in #11
- chore: bump swagger docs by @echoboomer in #12
- chore: add branding and imagery by @echoboomer in #13
- fix: k1 dir namespacing for multi-cluster by @echoboomer in #15
- feat: log streaming by @echoboomer in #16
- fix: check for required envs at startup by @echoboomer in #17
- feat: cors for router by @echoboomer in #18
- fix: set allow origin header by @CristhianF7 in #19
- fix: enable cors headers by @CristhianF7 in #20
- feat: async cluster interaction by @echoboomer in #21
- chore: adds initial ci resources by @jarededwards in #22
- feat: telemetry integration by @echoboomer in #23
- fix: remove oc context return for post/delete cluster error by @echoboomer in #24
- feat: cluster delete metrics by @echoboomer in #25
- feat: cluster import export funcs by @echoboomer in #26
- feat: concurrency check for cluster create ops by @echoboomer in #27
- Feat mongodb atlas support by @echoboomer in #28
- feat: add creation timestamp to cluster entries by @echoboomer in #29
- chore: better error output for log stream by @echoboomer in #30
- feat: add support for envFrom in helm chart deployment by @jarededwards in #31
- chore: fix ci for publishing to internal by @jarededwards in #32
- fix: cleanup db use by @echoboomer in #33
- fix: fix branch for trigger by @jarededwards in #34
- fix: db connection pooling by @echoboomer in #35
- fix: add params for local mongo auth by @echoboomer in #36
- fix: local conn string by @echoboomer in #37
- chore: splitting preprod cd from prod by @johndietz in #38
- chore: cleanup routes and docs by @echoboomer in #39
- fix: fix doc def for json fields, fix cluster import func by @echoboomer in #40
- feat: refactor auth to no longer use getenv by @echoboomer in #41
- fix: cluster auth by @echoboomer in #42
- fix: add rbac to chart by @echoboomer in #43
- fix: better error handling by @echoboomer in #44
- fix: better error handling for deletes by @echoboomer in #45
- chore: reorder db check fields by @echoboomer in #46
- feat: domain list endpoint by @echoboomer in #47
- fix: update based on civo refactor by @echoboomer in #48
- feat: marketplace apps integration by @echoboomer in #49
- feat: move from private to public ecr by @jarededwards in #50
- trigger new build by @jarededwards in #51
- feat: create svcs from marketplace by @echoboomer in #52
- chore: remove k3d support from api by @echoboomer in #53
- feat: wait for svc sync by @echoboomer in #54
- fix: create multi-file service entries properly by @echoboomer in #55
- fix: svc filename by @echoboomer in #56
- feat: region list endpoint for each provider by @echoboomer in #57
- fix: clear last_condition and reset to accurate status for clusters by @echoboomer in #58
- fix: fix service creation, add delete func by @echoboomer in #59
- chore: fix spelling mistake in readme by @echoboomer in #60
- fix: aws auth parse for cluster create by @echoboomer in #61
- fix: add missing aws auth to cl field by @echoboomer in #63
- fix: also add aws state store creds by @echoboomer in #64
- fix: add missing session token by @echoboomer in #65
- fix: add to other steps by @echoboomer in #66
- fix: add option for remote to git pull by @echoboomer in #67
- feat: update helm chart for macro kubefirst chart compatibility by @jarededwards in #62
- fix: adds new arm mongodb env to initial secrets by @jarededwards in #68
- chore: remove verbose cluster update logs, add log before gitops step by @echoboomer in #69
- chore: quick syntax cleanup by @echoboomer in #70
- feat: local version of tf exec logic for logging by @echoboomer in #71
- fix: printf instead of infof by @echoboomer in #72
- fix: catch destroy as well by @echoboomer in #73
- fix: proper logging locally by @echoboomer in #74
- feat: install telemetry event by @CristhianF7 in #75
- feat: global clusterid by @CristhianF7 in #76
- feat: telemetry install and new endpoint for console by @CristhianF7 in #77
- chore: docs cleanup by @echoboomer in #78
- chore: add pre-commit hook for updating docs by @echoboomer in #79
- fix: quotes by @CristhianF7 in #80
- fix: duplicated quotes by @CristhianF7 in #81
- fix: remove installed event by @CristhianF7 in #82
- feat: api chart post-install hook by @echoboomer in #83
- chore: bump runtime ver to fix vault issue by @echoboomer in #85
- feat: gitops overrides by @echoboomer in #86
- chore: bump runtime version by @echoboomer in #87
- Revert "chore: bump runtime version" by @echoboomer in #88
- fix: various improvements by @echoboomer in #89
- fix: fix marketplace app update bug by @echoboomer in #90
- fix: marketplace git func by @echoboomer in #91
- feat: sync argocd registry app after service commit by @echoboomer in #92
- chore: marketplace becomes gitops catalog by @echoboomer in #93
- fix: services order by @CristhianF7 in #94
- chore: add some handler improvements by @echoboomer in #95
- chore: readme bump by @echoboomer in #96
- fix: various things by @echoboomer in h...