What's Changed
- telemetry adjustments by @johndietz in #216
- missed go sum by @jarededwards in #217
- adjust events signature by @jarededwards in #218
- fix the starting event for telemetry init by @johndietz in #219
- chart update and image bump by @jarededwards in #220
- bump metrics client version by @jarededwards in #221
- latest hook by @johndietz in #222
- Adjust heartbeat by @jarededwards in #223
- calls to original cluster route by @johndietz in #224
- updating anticipated http response code by @johndietz in #225
- pin gitops-template repo by @jarededwards in #215
- 2.3.0 adoption by @johndietz in #226
- heartbeat adjustment by @johndietz in #227
- update api pin by @johndietz in #228
- adopt 2.3.3 api version by @johndietz in #231
- increase vault wait timeout by @jarededwards in #233
- fix: change api to understand it's cluster zero by default by @johndietz in #232
- chore: ping gitops 2-3-5 by @CristhianF7 in #234
- feat: call new api route by @k8swrangler in #230
- Source of truth by @D-B-Hawk in #236
- docs: add information on how to use local API with the CLI by @fharper in #235
- bump timeout for waiting on final deployments by @jarededwards in #237
- initial commit for adding machine type and count by @jarededwards in #229
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4