Django-redisdb is Redis backend for Django that allows using Redis as a cache and as a database at the same time. Django-redisdb provides backends for master/master and sharded configuration.
pip install django-redisdb
'redis_ring': {
'BACKEND': 'redisdb.backends.RedisRing', # sharding backend
'DB': 0,
'redis_copy': {
'BACKEND': 'redisdb.backends.RedisCopy', # copying backend
'DB': 0,
>>> from django.core.cache import caches
>>> caches['redis_ring'].set('one_key', 123) # set key1 only on on server
>>> caches['redis_copy'].set('other_key', 234) # set key2 on all servers
[True, True]
With RedisRing value is set only on one node. With RedisCopy it's set on all nodes (two nodes in examle above).
Redis is much more powerfull then simple cache. It should be seen as a specialized database. With django-redisdb you can use all its power. For example you can use redis' sorted sets:
>>> caches['redis_copy'].zadd('myzset', 1, 'one')
[0, 1]
>>> caches['redis_copy'].zadd('myzset', 2, 'two')
[0, 1]
>>> caches['redis_copy'].zadd('myzset', 3, 'three')
[0, 1]
>>> caches['redis_copy'].zrange('myzset', 0, -1)
['one', 'two', 'three']
>>> caches['redis_copy'].zrange('myzset', 0, -1, withscores=True)
[('one', 1.0), ('two', 2.0), ('three', 3.0)]
django-redisdb runs on Django 1.2 to Django 1.8
Full documentation is available at