Project Page:
#####sen·ti·ment (noun)
- A view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion. A general feeling or opinion.
- A feeling or emotion.
In this context sentiment was used to gauge how postive vs negative a headline was.
#####This was a Devbootcamp Chicago final team project. Our goal for the 8 day project was to attempt to analyze the sentiment of different news agencies' headlines over the course of time.
Interesting questions we were hoping to answer include:
- Are there any general sentimental trends for a news source's headlines over time?
- Is there any correlation between time of the year and sentiment?
- Is there any correlation between the current political environment and different news source's headline sentiments?
- Can we viusually detect the positive/negative current events over time?
Besides the un-surprising result that all news trends negative no scientific conclusions can be made from this first iteration of the project.
Reasons include:
- Despite collecting a ton of headlines there is still not sufficient data yet. (Wayback machine data collection really picks up only about mid 2011)
- No true statistical analysis was completed. (we only had 8 days, weren't data scientists, and chose interactivty over further analysis)
- Only one sentiment engine was used. Even with sufficient data more than one scoring engine would be needed to back any type of implications.
##How it works
#####The quick and dirty of how this worked:
- Target a specific news site on the wayback machine.
- Open up frontpage of news site and save up to 20 headlines for that day.
- Repeat for every day available going back in time up to 5ish years. (about 20-30 thousand headlines per news site)
- Feed each headline through AlchemyApi's sentiment analysis engine and save respective score. (score ranged from -1 (negative) to 1 (positive) )
- Save headline, date, score, and respective news source to our database.
- Plot data using D3.
You can find a slightly more detailed explanation here
- RoR, Postgres/MemCache
- Javascript/Jquery
- Alchemy API was cool enough to provide us with an API key worth 30,000 requests a day. Their engine and robust API allowed us to score each headline very quickly.
- Wayback Machine was our source of the actual news pages going back time.
- Wayback Gem turned out to be incredibly useful/important for our project. It allowed for a very easy collection of all the different urls needed for scraping.
- Nokogiri is a well known scraping gem that made grabbing what we needed from each page relatively simple.
- D3 is an impressive plotting tool that was a challenge to learn but is the backbone to our visualizations.
- The script is not bad for how simple/short it is but could be refined to collect better/more headlines
- More than one sentinment engine score would be cool/interesting
- Include a counter to track keywords within headlines. (This might be difficult but would be a very powerful analysis tool)
- More unique/interesting D3 visualizations.
Feel free to fork away!
##The Team:
#####Luiz - Script and visualizations #####Corey s - Script and visualizations #####Kelmer - Database seeding, migrating and optimization (memcahce) #####Corey W - Database seeding and front-end framework.
Clone the repository
Run bundle install
if you do not have any of the gems used in this project.
Set up your database by using the rake db:create
, and rake db:migrate
Visit the Alchemy API website and request an API key.
###Wayback Scraper Script
This script searches through the given URL to scrape headlines. The script can be found in lib/wayback_scrapper. script_v1.rb drives the code for the script. The scraped headlines will be written to a local CSV file. (Be sure to create a folder for the source first) CSVs can be found in the lib directory headlines directories
###Seed file
Run the seed file to populate the database from the CSV
Th file also runs the article title through the Alchemy API to update the sentiment_score
field in the database