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Shakō: A sleek, modern linktree alternative built with Astro and React. It's designed to be easily customizable, self-hostable, and provides a modern look and feel for showcasing your links. An optional hosted version is available at keksiqc/

Deploy with Vercel

Key features:

  • Customizable: Easily change the appearance and functionality to match your personal brand.
  • Self-hostable: Deploy your linktree on your own server for complete control.
  • Modern design: A clean and professional look that stands out.

Tech stack

  • Astro
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn/UI
  • Lanyard

Quick Start

git clone
cd shako
bun install
bun run dev


All configuration is done through the shako.config.ts file. Here's a comprehensive guide to all available options:

Basic Configuration

Option Type Default Description
title string 'Shako' The title of your page
borderRadius number 0.5 Global border radius in rem units
background 'dot' | 'grid' | 'dashed-grid' | 'flickering-grid' | 'animated-grid' | 'animated' | 'none' 'none' Background pattern style
footer boolean | string true Show default footer or set custom text

User Data Configuration

You can configure user data in two ways:

  1. Using Lanyard (Discord integration):
const config: Config = {
  discordID: '527147599942385674', // Your Discord user ID
  lanyardUrl: '', // Optional: Custom Lanyard API URL
  1. Custom User Data:
const config: Config = {
  user: {
    name: 'Your Name',
    avatar: '',
    description: 'Your Description'


To use Lanyard integration, you must join the Lanyard Discord Server. Alternatively, you can specify your own Lanyard server in the lanyardUrl option.

Button Configuration

Shakō supports two types of buttons:

  1. Icon Buttons (Small circular buttons, typically for donation/support links):
iconButtons: [
    icon: 'patreon',
    url: ''
    icon: 'buymeacoffee',
    url: ''
  1. Regular Buttons (Full-width buttons with icon and text):
buttons: [
    name: 'GitHub',
    icon: 'github',
    url: ''
    name: 'Twitter',
    icon: 'x',
    url: ''

The icon property in both button types uses icons from Simple Icons. Make sure to use the exact icon name as listed on their website.

Background Styles

The background option supports multiple styles:

Built-in Patterns

  • 'dot': Subtle dot pattern
  • 'grid': Regular grid pattern
  • 'dashed-grid': Dashed grid pattern
  • 'animated': Animated gradient pattern
  • 'flickering-grid': Grid pattern with squares that randomly change opacity for a dynamic effect
  • 'animated-grid': Grid pattern with squares that animate in and out at random positions
  • 'none': No background pattern (default)

Custom Backgrounds

  1. Image Background:
const config: Config = {
  background: 'image',
  backgroundImage: ''
  1. Solid Color:
const config: Config = {
  background: 'color',
  backgroundColor: '#ff0000' // Any valid CSS color
  1. Gradient Background:
const config: Config = {
  background: 'gradient',
  backgroundGradient: {
    type: 'linear' | 'radial',
    colors: array[string], // Array of colors
    angle: number // Optional. For linear gradients (0-360 degrees)

Example gradient:

const config: Config = {
  background: 'gradient',
  backgroundGradient: {
    type: 'linear',
    colors: ['#FF0080', '#7928CA'],
    angle: 45
  1. Custom CSS: Use any valid CSS properties for complete control over the background:
const config: Config = {
  background: 'custom',
  customCSS: {
    'background-image': 'url("your-image.jpg")',
    'background-size': 'cover',
    'background-attachment': 'fixed',
    'opacity': '0.8'
    // Any valid CSS properties

Footer Configuration

The footer can be configured in two ways:

// Show default footer
footer: true

// Custom footer text
footer: 'Made with ❤️ by Your Name'

// Hide footer
footer: false

Complete Example Configuration

const config: Config = {
  title: 'My Linktree',
  user: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    avatar: '',
    description: 'Software Developer'
  borderRadius: 0.75,
  background: 'animated',
  footer: 'Made with ❤️',
  iconButtons: [
      icon: 'githubsponsors',
      url: ''
  buttons: [
      name: 'Portfolio',
      icon: 'github',
      url: ''
      name: 'Twitter',
      icon: 'x',
      url: ''


To deploy Shakō:

  1. Build the project:
bun run build
  1. Deploy the dist directory to your preferred hosting platform.

Follow the official Astro deployment guide for platform-specific instructions.


Shakō is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

  • Report bugs by opening an issue
  • Suggest new features by opening an issue
  • Submit pull requests with improvements

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.