Hi my name is Kaliah Walton and I am a Computer engineer. I created this program to help my understanding of different languages and further my Java skills.
The software I wrote is a simple manual grade book that allows a student to keep track of their grades by entering in each grade that the program will then store and display upon the users command.
My purpose for writing this software is to provide students another source for storing their grades and to get a better grasp on programming within Java
{Provide a link to your YouTube demonstration. It should be a 4-5 minute demo of the software running and a walkthrough of the code. Focus should be on sharing what you learned about the language syntax.}
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA was used as the primary integrated development environment.
Programming Language: Java was used to develop the software.
Libraries: This project utilized the built-in Java standard library, particularly classes like ArrayList and Scanner.
- Adding multiple grade categories such as assignments, quizzes, etc
- Adding an average feature
- Adding saving and loading feature for student records.