Scripts based on the codigofuerte/GeoNames-MySQL-DataImport repository.
This forked repo contains a few changes with respect to the original. Please have a look into the CHANGELOG for more details.
Sven Lieber - - Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) -
Usage: -a "action"
Where "action" can be:
- download-data Downloads the last packages of data available in GeoNames. An additional parameter with a download directory should be used.
- create-db Creates the mysql database structure with no data.
- create-tables Creates the tables in the current database. Useful if we want to import them in an exsiting db.
- import-dumps Imports geonames data into db. A database is previously needed for this to work.
- drop-db Removes the db completely.
- truncate-db Removes geonames data from db.
The reference site is still under construction for this new version. Stay tuned to this site.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.