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This is a project scaffolding and code generation tool


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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Roadmap
  6. Contributing
  7. License
  8. Contact
  9. Conclusion

About The Project

Fundi is a scaffolding and code generation tool built using go. The tool is designed to help developers create a directory structure for their projects, and generate code within those directories using go templates. The tool reads a YAML file that specifies the project structure and creates the directories and files according to that structure.

Fundi is swahili word that means "expert" or "specialist" in English. It's a commonly used word in East Africa to refer to a skilled trades-person or artisan.


Generate Project Structure from YAML

Fundi generates a project structure using a YAML configuration file that specifies the desired directory structure. Files within the directories can be customized using go templates.

Generate Project Files from Local Templates

Fundi can use templates stored on your local machine to create project files. This enables developers to define and reuse custom templates tailored to specific project requirements.

Generate Project Files from Remote Templates (Coming Soon)

Fundi can fetch templates from remote Git repositories (e.g., GitHub or other Git hosting platforms) and generate project files. This simplifies collaboration by allowing teams to share and maintain templates in a centralized repository.


Follow these steps to install Fundi on your system:

Step 1: Download the Release

  1. Visit the Releases Page.
  2. Download the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture:
    • Linux: fundi_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
    • Windows:
    • macOS: fundi_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz

Step 2: Extract the Archive

  • Linux/macOS:
  tar -xvf fundi_<os>_<arch>.tar.gz
  • Windows:
    • Right-click on the downloaded ZIP file and select "Extract All".
    • Choose a destination folder and click "Extract".

Step 3: Move the Binary to a Directory in Your PATH

  • Linux/macOS:
    • Move the fundi binary to a directory in your PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin):
      sudo mv fundi /usr/local/bin
    • Verify the installation by running:
      fundi --version
  • Windows:
    • Move the fundi.exe binary to a directory in your PATH (e.g., C:\Windows\System32).
    • Open a new Command Prompt window and run:
      fundi --version

Install from source using go install

To install Fundi, you can use the go install command:

go install

This will install Fundi in your $GOBIN directory, which is typically located at $GOPATH/bin. Make sure that this directory is added to your $PATH environment variable so that you can run the fundi command from anywhere in your terminal.

If you encounter any errors during the installation process, try running

# Clean Go build and module cache for fundi
go clean -cache -modcache -i -r

# Remove binaries from GOPATH or GOBIN
rm -f $(go env GOBIN)/fundi
rm -f $(go env GOPATH)/bin/fundi

# Remove local artifact directories
rm -rf ./bin ./dist

to clean any existing build artifacts before running the go install command again.


To use Fundi, create a YAML file that specifies the project structure and any go templates that specify the contents of the files in each directory.

Example YAML configuration file

  output: "."
  templates: "./templates"
  values: "./values.yml"
  variables: # variables to be used in the values file
    project: simpleAPIServer
  - name: funditest
      - name:
      - name: cmd
          - name: main.go
            template: tmp_main.go
      - name: internal
        skip: true
          - name: domain.go
            template: tmp_domain.go

Generate the project directories and files using templates:

When you execute the generate command with the above configuration file, Fundi will create a project directory structure, add files to the project directories. The file contents in those files will be generated based on the templates provided.

$ fundi generate -f /path/to/yaml/file.yaml

Generate only the project directories:

Edit the example yaml file and remove the files from the configuration file.

  output: "."
  templates: "./testdata"
  values: "./testdata/.values.yml"
  - name: funditest
      - name: cmd
      - name: internal

When you execute the command below, you will only have directories created without any files.

$ fundi generate -f /path/to/yaml/file.yaml

Generate only the project files:

Edit the example yaml configuration file and remove the templates from the configuration file.

  output: "."
  templates: "./templates"
  values: "./values.yml"
  - name: funditest
      - name:
      - name: cmd
          - name: main.go
      - name: internal
        skip: true
          - name: domain.go

When you execute the command below, you will only have directories and empty files created.

$ fundi generate -f /path/to/yaml/file.yaml


For more detailed information on contributing to Fundi, please see the file in this repository.


This project follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 guidelines to manage releases and version numbers. Semantic versioning ensures that version numbers convey meaning about the underlying changes, helping developers and users know what to expect.

Version Format


  • MAJOR: Increased when there are incompatible changes or breaking changes to the API or functionality.
    • Example: Removing or changing a feature that existing users depend on.
    • Example Version: v2.0.0 (Breaking change introduced from v1.x.x).
  • MINOR: Increased when new features are added in a backward-compatible manner.
    • Example: Adding a new feature that doesn’t interfere with existing functionality.
    • Example Version: v1.2.0 (New features added to v1.1.x).
  • PATCH: Increased when backward-compatible bug fixes are introduced.
    • Example: Fixing a typo, correcting a bug, or updating documentation.
    • Example Version: v1.1.1 (Bug fix for v1.1.0).

How Versioning Works in This Project

  1. Branch Prefixes:

    • Branch naming conventions indicate the type of version bump:
      • minor/* → Minor version bump.
      • patch/* → Patch version bump.
      • major/* → Major version bump.
  2. Automated Tagging and Releases:

    • Tags are created automatically based on the type of changes introduced.
    • The release workflow ensures that every new tag is packaged and published using GoReleaser.
  3. Commit History and Changelog:

    • Version numbers are mapped to the changelog to reflect new features, bug fixes, or breaking changes in every release.


  • v1.0.0 → Initial release with the first stable version.
  • v1.1.0 → New features added.
  • v1.1.1 → Minor bug fix.

Learn More

For a detailed explanation of semantic versioning, see the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer 2.0.0).


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Fundi is licensed under the MIT License. You can find a copy of the license at the following link.

In summary, the MIT License grants you permission to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of Fundi, subject to certain conditions. These conditions include including the license notice and disclaimer in all copies or substantial portions of the software.

We believe that open-source software is important for the advancement of technology and welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to Fundi, please read our contributing guidelines in the CONTRIBUTING file of this repository.


If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact me via email. You can also find me on LinkedIn. I'm always happy to hear from you!


Fundi is a powerful tool for generating project directories and files in a flexible and customizable way. It supports local and remote templates and provides a command line interface for easy use.