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Karl Mohring edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the StreetFighter Wiki

Project StreetFighter is an open-source, Arduino-based IoT platform for street light luminaires. Our solution is low-powered, lightweight, and can be mounted inside most luminaire housings.

You can find street lights wherever you look in most cities, which means StreetFighter can be installed anywhere and everywhere. The luminaire-mounted system provides the perfect vantage point for many exciting smart city applications, and generally just lets you know how your city is feeling.

Who can use Streetfighter?

Streetfighter started off as an information-gathering tool for city planners and lighting utilities, but everyone can benefit from the information that the platform provides.

The platform has been designed to be affordable so anyone from the biggest name companies to electronics hobbyists can make and use their own sensor kit.

More information

See what StreetFighter can do for you.

Have a look at the different sensor and feature options.

Make your own

Get all the parts together and wire them up.

Configure the Yun for data logging.

The faces behind the project.