Find an alluring movie which is currently displayed on theatres, specify showtime, type and quantity of tickets, choose best seats, provide a few information about yourself - that's all you have to do to make a booking in iCinema. It provides both UI and server with MongoDB connected. Main goal was to simulate real-world booking proccess, taking care of every aspect of this operation.
To find all movies now being played in theatres, app make request to The Movie Db API, to its /now-playing
endpoint. Response includes all information needed and it's also used to generate view with movie details.
We don't have access to any cinema schedule, so the only way to simulate it was to fake it. All dates and times are being randomized on server-side on the runtime with faker. There's also basic validation of the generated showtimes implemented to check if everything looks real.
- React and create-react-app for user interface
- node.js with Express for backend server with basic API
- MongoDB for storing information about all reservations
Project contains both React client application and Node.js server, so first you need to install missing dependencies in root directory and in client
. After it's finished, you can run whole app by simply running
npm start
in root directory. If you only want to run client-side or server-side, you can use
npm run client
and npm run server