Multi-channel spike sampling program. The code is originally designed for CMOD-A7 FPGA.
Open hardware manager in Xilinx Vivado and load spike-sampler.bit to the FPGA. In this case, the FPGA needs to be reprogrammed each time it power cycles.
Alternatively, create a memory configuration file and load spike-sampler.bin to the FPGA. The program is then loaded into the flash and no longer needs to be loaded every time.
Once powered on, the FPGA starts sampling the spikes, and when a spike is detected, the FPGA sends the spike channel ID and the timestamp to the host PC through UART.
The MATLAB program opens a UART port and records the spike information for a certain amount of time.
The FPGA supports a total of 16 spike channels. However, on the NeuroRadar baseboard, only 12 channels are connected, as shown in the figure below.
In the gesture recognition case study, 3 NeuroRadar channels are employed which corresponds to 6 spike channels.
In the localization case study, 6 NeuroRadar channels are employed which corresponds to 12 spike channels.
Spike sampling program for the gesture recognition use case.
Spike sampling program for the localization use case.
General spike sampling program.
SNN construction and optimization
Kai Zheng, Kun Qian, Timothy Woodford, and Xinyu Zhang. 2024. NeuroRadar: A Neuromorphic Radar Sensor for Low-Power IoT Systems. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 223–236.