- apply moving average to pen movements -- config.pen.smooth_seq_len (default=1)
- fix keys/buttons handling
- rotate tablet by pressing the tablet keys CTRL+ALT+wheelUP+wheelDOWN
- added tilt detection
- removed dependency on
- handle pen presses on the multimedia row
Forked from Alex-S-V ( thanks dude for the pyUSB and T503 case study)
Aliexpress Graphics Tablet VINSA 1060plus
10moons Graphics Tablet product homepage
Aliexpress equivalent sold under VINSA brand. --- Download User Manual
This is a Simple driver with pyUSB code modified to handle the interaction events of the VINSA 1060Plus graphics tablet, that includes a passive two button pen.
Linux detects it as a T501 GoTOP tablet, hence pyUSB library is able to interface with the tablet device.
Driver which provides basic functionality for VINSA 1060plus T501 tablet:
- 12 buttons on the tablet itself
- Correct X and Y positioning (two active area modes present: Android Active Area & Full Tablet Active Area)
- Pressure sensitivity ( able to read the values, but unable to pass it onto Graphics Software )
Tablet has 4096 levels in both axes and 2047 levels of pressure ( Product description says 8092, but actual output readings are 2047 max).
With linux Kernel 5+, the graphics tablet should be detected but pen movement is restricted to Android Active Area (the small area on the tablet). That driver was added to the kernel but interacts with the T503 chipset. Thanks to Digimend - https://github.com/DIGImend for providing valuable functionality not just to 10moons Tablets, but to a variety of other popular Tablets.
Unfortuantely, Mr Digimend has chosen not to further develop the driver applicable to VINSA 1060plus, due to the inaccurate information transmitted between the T501 chipset and the USB driver --> Live recording of Mr DIGIMEND working on 10moons tablet debug and analysis. Awesome to see the master at work :).
So an alternative workaround was needed. In steps Alex-S-V with his pyUSB implementation of the T503 driver --- together with the Digimend 10moons-Probe tool, it has the particular effect of switching the Graphics Tablet out of AndroidActiveArea Mode and into FullTabletArea mode. I will need to ask the original author (Mr.Digimend) how he identified the hex string to transmit to the tablet [ (probe.c src: line#165 ---> SET_REPORT(0x0308, 0x08, 0x04, 0x1d, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0x06, 0x2e); ) ] (https://github.com/DIGImend/10moons-tools/blob/6cc7c40c50cb58fefe4e732f6a94fac75c9e4859/10moons-probe.c#L165)
The person to discover this "hack" was Mr.Digimend himself and thanks to the Youtube video that he uploaded time-stamp @1:40.11 he shows that usbhid-dump output when in Android-Active-Area Mode (8 byte TX) vs the required Full-Tablet-Active-Area mode ( 64 byte TX).
Clone or Download then install
... identify BUS and DEVICE numbers that linux detects from Graphics Tablete.g. Bus 001 Device 003: ID 08f2:6811 Gotop Information Inc. [T501] Driver Inside Tablet
sudo 10moons-tools BUSnum DEVICEnumber
e.g. sudo 10moons-tools 1 3
Clone or download then install this repository.
git clone https://github.com/f-caro/10moons-driver-vin1060plus.git
- Then install all dependencies listed in
file either using python virtual environments or not.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then install all dependencies listed in
run python driver ---
sudo python3 driver-vin1060plus.py
remember to
the graphics tablet with the passive pen, so that linuxxinput
can list it as a virtual pointing device (a quirk maybe associated with vin1060plus ?!) -
In case of multiple monitors connected.
- run
---> to identify the name of the Display that you want to limit your tablet x & y coords.
e.g. DisplayPort-1
- run
---> to list all virtual devices, identify the virtual core pointer associated with tablet pen
e.g. ↳ 10moons-pen Pen (0) id=17 [slave pointer (2)]
- configure xinput to restrict x&y coords to relevant monitor
e.g. xinput map-to-output 17 DisplayPort-1
- run
You need to connect your tablet and run the driver prior to launching a drawing software otherwise the device will not be recognized by it.
Configuration of the driver placed in config-vin1060plus.yml
You may need to change the vendor_id and the product_id but I'm not sure (You device can have the same values as mine, but if it is not you can run the lsusb command to find yours).
Buttons assigned from top left (button 1) to bottom right (button 12) in the order from left to right. You can assign to them any button on the keyboard and their combinations separating them with a plus (+) sign.
If you find that using this driver with your tablet results in reverse axis or directions (or both), you can modify parameters swap_axis, swap_direction_x, and swap_direction_y by changing false to true and another way around.
for example: Rotating tablet in portrait position ( with buttons furthest from person )
settings: swap_axis: true swap_direction_x: true swap_direction_y: false
Not a nice experience, feels weird --- but at least it is nice to know that you can do such a thing. (Thanks Alex-S-V for the ground work).
contains a Key code list ( variable tablet_buttons
) that allows the user to edit the 12 buttons found on the left-side of the graphics tablet.
To list all the possible Key codes you may run:
python -c "from evdev import ecodes; print([x for x in dir(ecodes) if 'KEY' in x])"
example output:
['EV_KEY', 'KEY', 'KEY_0', 'KEY_1', 'KEY_102ND', 'KEY_10CHANNELSDOWN', 'KEY_10CHANNELSUP', 'KEY_2', 'KEY_3', 'KEY_3D_MODE', 'KEY_4', 'KEY_5', 'KEY_6', 'KEY_7', 'KEY_8', 'KEY_9',...
also contains a BTN code list ( variable pen_buttons
) that allows the user to edit the 2 buttons found on passive stylus pen.
To list all the possible Mouse/Stylus BTN codes you may run:
python -c "from evdev import ecodes; print([x for x in dir(ecodes) if 'BTN' in x])"
example output:
['BTN', 'BTN_0', 'BTN_1', 'BTN_2', 'BTN_3', 'BTN_4', 'BTN_5', 'BTN_6', 'BTN_7', 'BTN_8', 'BTN_9', 'BTN_A', 'BTN_B', 'BTN_BACK', 'BTN_BASE', 'BTN_BASE2',...
Useful Doc explaining how the Kernel categorises and uses those ecodes : https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt
Input-Event-codes Src from Github : https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h
TODO --->
Some parts of code are taken from: https://github.com/Mantaseus/Huion_Kamvas_Linux
Other parts taken from:
All inspiration tricks and tactics taken from : https://github.com/DIGImend/10moons-tools
Together with howto videos from DigiMend :
DigiMend conference talk on interfacing grahics tablets in Linux:
The forum that got me started with finding a simple solution to my cheap graphics tablet purchase:
"Please Add support for 10moons 10*6 inch Graphics Tablet #182" DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers#182
Pressure sensitivity is actually Z-axis height, where digital 0 is approx 2mm below the graphical tablet surface and digital 8192 is approx 25mm above the graphical tablet. Useful "Pressure sensitivity" values show up in the range of digital 400 and digital 2048. In
file, the propertypressure_contact_threshold
was chosen by trial and error. Colder temperatures affect the "pressure sensitivity" range. -
DEBUG = True
, flag variable exists that helps debug the typical behaviour surrounding the driver interaction with T501 graphics compatible tablet. To be honest, it's just print() statements alllll theee waaayyyy downnnn. :)
~~Key Combinations dont work as expected. Need to debug that. Keyboard HotKeys also dont work as expected. Maybe try a different keyboard/mouse interaction python library --- ( pynPut ) https://nitratine.net/blog/post/simulate-keypresses-in-python/
~~Map the 10 "virtual buttons" found on the top-side of the graphics tablet active area.
( mute, vol_dwn, vol_up, music_player, play_pause, prev_song, next_song, home_btn, calc_btn, desktop_view )
.home_btn, calc_btn, desktop_view
works after plugging in usb tablet, but before running the./10moons-probe
command. -
Allow the Graphics App (e.g. Gimp, Scribus, Pix, Inkscape etc. ) to make use of the "pressure sensitivity" measurement. I think the issue lies with
vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.BTN_TOUCH, 0)
does not execute event, whileBTN_MOUSE
does. ??? -
Use its linear Z-axis "pressure sensitivity" measurements and map it to a non-linear function (maybe bezzier-curve) that simulates more natural pen strokes. :)
~~Is there a way with pyUSB transfer bytecode to the VINSA1060plus T501 microcontroller that can enable one to skip the
code execution ?!?! -
. Yikes, it looks like a N00b modified it. :)
- Docs to Python source code of UInput class : https://python-evdev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/evdev/uinput.html
- pyUSB tutorial howto : https://github.com/pyusb/pyusb/blob/master/docs/tutorial.rst
- wireshark tips on howto filter USB traffic ( better to use the video from Digimend ) : https://osqa-ask.wireshark.org/questions/53919/how-can-i-precisely-specify-a-usb-device-to-capture-with-tshark/ ::: howto configure in Linux : https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/USB ::: tutorial with step-by-step screenshots : https://github.com/liquidctl/liquidctl/blob/main/docs/developer/capturing-usb-traffic.md
- PDF USB.org Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices Firmware Specification : https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/documents/hid1_11.pdf
- Digimend howto do diagnostics when trying out new tablets in Linux : http://digimend.github.io/support/howto/trbl/diagnostics/
- 10moons 10x6 tablet homepage : http://eng.10moons.com/info5494.html ::: picture revealing possible circuit schematic ?? http://eng.10moons.com/info5494.html
- libUSB C library initialization/deinitialization : https://libusb.sourceforge.io/api-1.0/group__libusb__lib.html#details
- USB in a Nutshell - tutorial/howtos/references : https://www.beyondlogic.org/usbnutshell/usb1.shtml