This week's code snippet, Fizz Buzz in Prolog, is brought to you by Subete and the Sample Programs repo.
% Portions of this solution were derived through the assistance of ChatGPT.
:- initialization(main).
fizzbuzz(N) :-
fizzbuzz_helper(1, N).
fizzbuzz_helper(X, N) :-
X > N, !.
fizzbuzz_helper(X, N) :-
(X mod 15 =:= 0 ->
write('FizzBuzz'), nl
; X mod 3 =:= 0 ->
write('Fizz'), nl
; X mod 5 =:= 0 ->
write('Buzz'), nl
write(X), nl
X1 is X + 1,
fizzbuzz_helper(X1, N).
main() :-
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- π So Youβre Not Sure If Computer Science Is for You
- π You Should Give Open-Ended Projects to Your Students
- π» How to Move Your Extensions Folder in VS Code
- π Sample Programs Repo Celebrates 1,000 Code Snippets
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