An adaptation of the asus-wmi-screenpad kernel module to a nix derivation. This is a work in progress with ideal nixpkgs upstreaming in the near future. Feel free to open PR if you want to contribute.
Before trying to run this, it's worth taking a look at the original documentaion to understand better how the module works.
Clone the repository or copy
directly and save it in/etc/nixos/
Make the following changes in
#the `let in` expression has to be at the beginning of your configuration.nix file, before anything else is declared
#the first curly brace represent your usual beginning of a configuration.nix file
asusWmiScreenpad = config.boot.kernelPackages.callPackage ./asus-wmi-screenpad.nix { };
#the rest of your configuration
#include the custom kernel module
boot.extraModulePackages = [ asusWmiScreenpad ];
#load module during boot
boot.kernelModules = [ "asus_wmi_screenpad" ];
# *Optional but recommended*
# enable changing brightness without giving permission everytime after reboot
services.udev.extraRules = ''
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="leds", KERNEL=="asus::screenpad", RUN+="${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod a+w /sys/class/leds/%k/brightness"
} #end of your configuration.nix file
- Run
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Currently this is working fine for me on nixos (stable) 24.11. Please note that if you are running a very new kernel this might not work, currently working to address this in the next release. If you encounter any problems, feel free to open an issue.