Releases: johnpierson/MonocleForDynamo
Monocle 2024.7.1 - Latest Release
🆕 New Features
- Node documenter will now create a .md file with the sample graph referenced if there is whitespace entered in the UI.
- Color code groups now uses the Dynamo "group styles" colors.
🐛 Bugs Fixed
- none
Full Changelog: 2024.5.1...2024.7.1
Monocle 2024.5.1 - Latest Release
🆕 New Features
- Inline Node Connectomatic (Enable via menu and hold down the left alt key to activate during node drag operation)
- Graph Thumbnail Creator
🐛 Bugs Fixed
- Revit 2025/ .NET8 - Fixed the standard views
With this being a prerelease build, you must download the attached .7z file and unzip it with 7Zip. After some more testing this will be on the package manager soon.
Full Changelog including all my mishaps here:
Full Changelog: 2024.3.2...2024.5.1
Monocle 2024.3.2- Prerelease
🆕 New Features
This is a prerelease with the all-new Monocle Loader to Autoload the Correct monocle version for your Dynamo version. With the primary considerations being, Net4.8 framework vs .NET8 framework.
After installation, you must restart Dynamo, as the extension (loader) will write the MonocleViewExtension.dll and Monocle_ViewExtensionDefinition.xml files on the fly.
With this being a prerelease build, you must download the attached .7z file and unzip it with 7Zip. After some more testing this will be on the package manager soon.
Full Changelog including all my mishaps here:
Full Changelog: 2024.3.1...2024.3.2
Monocle 2024.3.1 - Prerelease
🆕 New Features
This is a prerelease with the all-new Monocle Loader to Autoload the Correct monocle version for your Dynamo version. With the primary considerations being, .Net4.8 framework vs .NET8 framework.
After installation, you must restart Dynamo, as the extension (loader) will write the MonocleViewExtension.dll and Monocle_ViewExtensionDefinition.xml files on the fly.
With this being a prerelease build, you must download the attached .7z file and unzip it with 7Zip. After some more testing this will be on the package manager soon.
Full Changelog including all my mishaps here:
Full Changelog: 2023.11.1...2024.3.1
Monocle 2023.11.1 - Node Documenter
🆕 New Features:
Node Documenter! You can easily create documentation for your custom nodes.
📝 Other Notes
This release is possibly a "code freeze" for builds for .NET 4.8 as Dynamo is migrating to .NET 6 with Dynamo 3.0. More info about this is available here:
⚙ Installation
- On the package manager.
Monocle 2023.10.1 - Node Documenter Fixes (pre-release)
This includes fixes for the node documenter to extract names correctly from non-UI nodes. Also fixes spaces in image file name in the markdown file.
Monocle 2023.9.3 - Node Documenter Beta Release
Monocle 2023.5.5 - Node Swapper and More Flair
Monocle 2023.5.1 - Better Save Commands, Bug Fixes
Monocle 2023.2.1 - Group Coloring Fixes
🐛 Bug Fixes:
This fixes the longstanding issue (#6). Brought to my attention via
⚙ Installation
- On the package manager.