tested on Python v2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 and Django v1.4-1.7
Behave still has many 3.x bugs. Please ensure the bug is with django-behave and not with Behave.
A Django TestRunner for the Behave BDD module
- To provide a Cucumber-compatible BDD toolset for Django;
- To work well with existing Django testing behaviour e.g. use a test database
- To use Cucumber/Gherkin syntax.
- To provide a library of django-useful steps.
- add 'django_behave' to INSTALLED_APPS
- set TEST_RUNNER to 'django_behave.runner.DjangoBehaveTestSuiteRunner'
- add features directories to apps
- decide which automation library you want to use
- setup your environment.py to use this library to open browser (see below)
- copy django_behave/features/steps/library.py, if wanted.
Assuming you have a app called proj.apps.myapp
Edit INSTALLED_APPS, as above. Edit TEST_RUNNER, as above.
Create proj/apps/myapp/features and proj/apps/myapp/features/steps.
Copy example_app/features/tutorial.feature to the features dir. Copy example_app/features/steps/tutorial.py to the features/steps dir.
$ python manage.py test myapp
should then show you django-behave in action, finding the tutorial feature and running the tests.
The main one is the 'behave' module, of course, which provides the BDD toolset for Python.
Also used are:
- django >= 1.4 (needed for the LiveServerTestCase)
- selenium
See requirements.txt for details.
Django_behave is agnostic about which automation library you use inside the tests.
I like splinter (http://splinter.cobrateam.info).
You will need to setup a browser for use with this library.
For example, my features/environment.py file has this:
from splinter.browser import Browser
def before_all(context):
context.browser = Browser()
def after_all(context):
context.browser = None
It is possible to use Behave command line options. In order to avoid conflict with Django's manage.py test options, all options meant for django-behave start with '--behave_'. For example, given the following Behave command:
behave --no-color --tags @mytag ...
this would become:
./manage.py test --behave_no-color --behave_tags @mytag ...
In addition, the option '--behave_browser' can allow the user to specify which browser to use for testing. For example:
./manage.py test --behave_browser firefox ...
The splinter before_all() example above could then use this option:
def before_all(context):
context.browser = Browser(context.config.browser)
You can run all unittest2 tests with the following:
python tests.py
The tests use the example_proj project which has installed the example_app application.