R scripts for processing and modelling with travel diary data. Currently includes diary data from Manchester (TRADS), England (NTS), and Melbourne (VISTA)
Scripts associated with the Greater Manchester TRADS travel diary (https://tfgm.com/trads) for years 2016-2018.
Most important scripts are described here
Reads the raw travel diary files provided by TfGM in .sav format and runs initial processing. Saves output database in RDS format, which is used for further analysis.
Adds XY coordinates to trip origins and destinations to create a dataset suitable for routing. The output file is used for route-based analysis in the Java repository https://github.com/jibeproject/matsim-jibe. This input is specified using the property 'diary.file' in that repository.
Preliminary data preparation for mode choice modelling. Runs after read.r.
Next stage of data preparation for mode choice modelling. Runs after prepForApollo.r. Creates output files suitable for mode choice estimation in the Java repository https://github.com/jibeproject/matsim-jibe. This input is specified using the second argument in the estimation main method (https://github.com/jibeproject/matsim-jibe/blob/master/src/main/java/estimation/RunMnlManchester.java). Also includes miscellaneous analysis scripts for this dataset
Formats outputs from mode choice estimation for presentation / publication and for incorporating into MITO.
Scripts associated with England's National Travel Survey (NTS) for years 2014-2020. Most important scripts are described below.
Reads the raw NTS travel diary files, filters to only years after 2014, and runs initial processing which is used for further analysis.
Estimates average walking and cycling speeds (based on recorded distance and travel time) for different age and gender groups. Used for exposure assessment in MITO.
Estimates distribution curves for arrival time and activity duration for MITO.
Scripts associated with the VISTA travel diary survey for Melbourne [TBD]