chore: update ESLint to v9 #14483
11 errors and 2 warnings
run tests:
Snapshot name: `moduleNameMapper wrong configuration 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | module.exports = () => 'test';
13 |
- at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1184:17)
+ at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1182:17)
at Object.require (index.js:10:1)
at Object.require (__tests__/index.js:10:20)"
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/moduleNameMapper.test.ts:16:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `moduleNameMapper wrong array configuration 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | module.exports = () => 'test';
13 |
- at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1184:17)
+ at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1182:17)
at Object.require (index.js:10:1)
at Object.require (__tests__/index.js:10:20)"
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/moduleNameMapper.test.ts:24:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `maps code coverage against original source 1`
- Snapshot - 54
+ Received + 54
@@ -22,151 +22,151 @@
"branchMap": Object {
"0": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"type": "cond-expr",
"1": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"type": "cond-expr",
"2": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 31,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 43,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"type": "binary-expr",
"3": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 53,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 23,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 40,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 30,
- "line": 14,
+ "li
run tests:
Snapshot name: `shows a proper error from deep requires 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | test('dummy', () => {
13 | expect(1).toBe(1);
- at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:937:11)
+ at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:935:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/discord.js/src/index.js:21:12)
at Object.require (__tests__/test.js:10:1)
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/requireMissingExt.test.ts:22:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `shows a proper error from deep requires 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | test('dummy', () => {
13 | expect(1).toBe(1);
- at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:937:11)
+ at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:935:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/discord.js/src/index.js:21:12)
at Object.require (__tests__/test.js:10:1)
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/requireMissingExt.test.ts:22:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `maps code coverage against original source 1`
- Snapshot - 54
+ Received + 54
@@ -22,151 +22,151 @@
"branchMap": Object {
"0": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"type": "cond-expr",
"1": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"type": "cond-expr",
"2": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 31,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 43,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"type": "binary-expr",
"3": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 53,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 23,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 40,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 30,
- "line": 14,
+ "li
run tests:
Snapshot name: `moduleNameMapper wrong configuration 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | module.exports = () => 'test';
13 |
- at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1184:17)
+ at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1182:17)
at Object.require (index.js:10:1)
at Object.require (__tests__/index.js:10:20)"
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/moduleNameMapper.test.ts:16:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `moduleNameMapper wrong array configuration 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | module.exports = () => 'test';
13 |
- at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1184:17)
+ at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:1182:17)
at Object.require (index.js:10:1)
at Object.require (__tests__/index.js:10:20)"
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/moduleNameMapper.test.ts:24:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `shows a proper error from deep requires 1`
- Snapshot - 1
+ Received + 1
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
| ^
11 |
12 | test('dummy', () => {
13 | expect(1).toBe(1);
- at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:937:11)
+ at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (../../packages/jest-resolve/build/index.js:935:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/discord.js/src/index.js:21:12)
at Object.require (__tests__/test.js:10:1)
at Object.toMatchSnapshot (e2e/__tests__/requireMissingExt.test.ts:22:16)
run tests:
Snapshot name: `maps code coverage against original source 1`
- Snapshot - 54
+ Received + 54
@@ -22,151 +22,151 @@
"branchMap": Object {
"0": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 11,
+ "line": 9,
"type": "cond-expr",
"1": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 34,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"start": Object {
"column": 38,
- "line": 12,
+ "line": 10,
"type": "cond-expr",
"2": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 31,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 27,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 39,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 35,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 48,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"start": Object {
"column": 43,
- "line": 13,
+ "line": 11,
"type": "binary-expr",
"3": Object {
"loc": Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 53,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 23,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"locations": Array [
Object {
"end": Object {
"column": 40,
- "line": 14,
+ "line": 12,
"start": Object {
"column": 30,
- "line": 14,
+ "li
run tests
Attempt 1 failed. Reason: Child_process exited with error code 1
run tests
Attempt 2 failed. Reason: Child_process exited with error code 1