NATS protoc-gen is a protoc plugin that simplifies the generation of NATS microservices by wrapping gRPC services.
This project leverages NATS as the primary communication layer while utilizing its built-in service discovery capabilities. It enables developers to create unified services accessible directly through gRPC or as a NATS microservice.
To build the plugin, simply run:
make build
You can install the latest version of the plugin using the following command:
go install
It is recommended to install goimports and run it after generating the plugin files:
go install
To fix all files automatically:
goimports -w .
To fix only the generated proto files:
goimports -w ./example/example-nats-grpc-adaptor.pb.go
To use the plugin, run the protoc compiler with the following command. Ensure that protoc-gen-go-nats-grpc-adaptor is in your $PATH:
# Assuming the binary is located under ./builds after running `make build`
PATH=./builds:$PATH protoc \
--proto_path=./example \
--go_out=./example \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-nats-grpc-adaptor_out=./example \
--go-nats-grpc-adaptor_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=./example \
--go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
example.proto messages.proto
To enable debug logging, set the following environment variable:
The command above builds the example directory. Modify the command to point to your protobuf files as needed.
You can query NATS services using the NATS CLI client:
./nats micro list
# All Micro Services
| Name | Version | ID | Description |
| GreeterServer | 0.0.1 | TWaLR1B60j04SCblXqY1xP | NATS micro service adaptor wrapping GreeterServer |
To fetch details about a specific microservice:
./nats micro info GreeterServer
Example Output: Microservice Information
Service Information
Service: GreeterServer (TWaLR1B60j04SCblXqY1xP)
Description: NATS micro service adaptor wrapping GreeterServer
Version: 0.0.1
Name: Greeter
Subject: svc.greeter.sayhello
Queue Group: demo
Name: Greeter
Subject: svc.greeter.sayhelloagain
Queue Group: demo
Name: Greeter
Subject: svc.greeter.saygoodbye
Queue Group: demo
Statistics for 3 Endpoint(s):
Greeter Endpoint Statistics:
Requests: 1 in group "demo"
Processing Time: 53µs (average 53µs)
Started: 2024-11-17 16:40:49 (1m4s ago)
Errors: 0
Greeter Endpoint Statistics:
Requests: 1 in group "demo"
Processing Time: 25µs (average 25µs)
Started: 2024-11-17 16:40:49 (1m4s ago)
Errors: 1
Last Error: 500:some random example error
Greeter Endpoint Statistics:
Requests: 1 in group "demo"
Processing Time: 17µs (average 17µs)
Started: 2024-11-17 16:40:49 (1m4s ago)
Errors: 0