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Merge pull request #2369 from BadWolf42/highlight-logs
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🔨 Better log highlighting
  • Loading branch information
zoic21 authored Jan 15, 2024
2 parents 6b53a4e + a6ce794 commit 002863c
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Showing 25 changed files with 237 additions and 152 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/ajax/log.ajax.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
intval(init('position', 0)),
intval(init('colored', 0)),
init('numbered', true),
boolval(init('colored', 0)),
boolval(init('numbered', 1)),
intval(init('numberStart', 0))
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15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions core/api/jeeApi.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,22 +27,24 @@
echo "The page that you have requested could not be found.";
/** @var user|null $_USER_GLOBAL */
global $_USER_GLOBAL;
$_USER_GLOBAL = null;
/** @var bool $_RESTRICTED */
global $_RESTRICTED;
$_RESTRICTED = false;
if (init('type') != '') {
try {
if (init('type') == 'ask') {
if (trim(init('token')) == '' || strlen(init('token')) < 64) {
throw new Exception(__('Token invalide', __FILE__));
throw new Exception(__('Commande inconnue ou Token invalide', __FILE__));
$cmd = cmd::byId(init('cmd_id'));
if (!is_object($cmd)) {
throw new Exception(__('Commande inconnue :', __FILE__) . ' ' . init('cmd_id'));
throw new Exception(__('Commande inconnue ou Token invalide', __FILE__));
if (trim($cmd->getCache('ask::token', config::genKey())) != init('token')) {
throw new Exception(__('Token invalide', __FILE__));
throw new Exception(__('Commande inconnue ou Token invalide', __FILE__));
if (!$cmd->askResponse(init('response'))) {
throw new Exception(__('Erreur response ask, temps écoulé ou réponse invalide', __FILE__));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +112,7 @@
if ($type == 'interact') {
$query = init('query');
if (init('utf8', 0) == 1) {
$query = utf8_encode($query);
$query = mb_convert_encoding($query, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');
$param = array();
if (init('emptyReply') != '') {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,7 +495,7 @@
if (isset($params['key'])) {
$return = array();
/** @var array $def */
$def = config::byKey('object:summary');
foreach ($def as $key => &$value) {
$value['value'] = jeeObject::getGlobalSummary($key);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1328,6 +1330,9 @@
/* Mobile API */
if ($jsonrpc->getMethod() == 'getJson') {
log::add('api', 'debug', 'Demande du RDK to send with Json');
if (!is_object($_USER_GLOBAL)) {
throw new Exception(__('Utilisateur non défini', __FILE__), -32500);
$registerDevice = $_USER_GLOBAL->getOptions('registerDevice', array());
if (!is_array($registerDevice)) {
$registerDevice = array();
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion core/class/jeedom.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -614,8 +614,9 @@ public static function apiAccess($_apikey = '', $_plugin = 'core') {
$apikey = self::getApiKey($_plugin);
if (trim($apikey) != '' && $apikey === $_apikey) {
/** @var bool $_RESTRICTED */
global $_RESTRICTED;
$_RESTRICTED = config::byKey('api::' . $_plugin . '::restricted', 'core', 0);
$_RESTRICTED = config::byKey('api::' . $_plugin . '::restricted', 'core', false);
return true;
return false;
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143 changes: 89 additions & 54 deletions core/class/log.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ public static function removeAll() {
return true;

* @param string $_log
* @param int $_begin
* @param int $_nbLines
* @return boolean|array
public static function get($_log = 'core', $_begin, $_nbLines) {
public static function get($_log, $_begin, $_nbLines) {
$path = (!file_exists($_log) || !is_file($_log)) ? self::getPathToLog($_log) : $_log;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return false;
Expand All @@ -260,28 +260,33 @@ public static function get($_log = 'core', $_begin, $_nbLines) {
return $page;

* Get the log delta from $_position to the end of the file
* New position is stored in $_position when eof is reached
* @param string $_log Log filename (default 'core')
* @param int $_position Bytes representing position from the begining of the file (default 0)
* @param string $_search Text to find in log file (default '')
* @param int $_colored Should lines be colored (default 0) [0: no ; 1: global log colors ; 2: scenario colors]
* @param int $_colored Should lines be colored
* @param boolean $_numbered Should lines be numbered (default true)
* @param int $_numStart At what number should lines number start (default 0)
* @param int $_max Max number of returned lines (default 4000)
* @return array Array containing log to append to buffer and new position for next call
public static function getDelta($_log = 'core', $_position = 0, $_search = '', $_colored = 0, $_numbered = true, $_numStart = 0, $_max = 4000) {
public static function getDelta($_log = 'core', $_position = 0, $_search = '', $_colored = false, $_numbered = true, $_numStart = 0, $_max = 4000) {
// Add path to file if needed
$filename = (file_exists($_log) && is_file($_log)) ? $_log : self::getPathToLog($_log);
// Check if log file exists and is readable
if (!file_exists($filename) || !$fp = fopen($filename, 'r'))
return array('position' => 0, 'line' => 0, 'logText' => '');
// Locate EOF
fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
$_position = min($_position, ftell($fp));
// If log file has been truncated/altered (EOF is smaller than requested position)
// Then we restart from the start of the file
if (ftell($fp) < $_position) {
$_position = 0;
$_numStart = 0;
// Set file pointer at requested position or at EOF
fseek($fp, $_position);
// Iterate the file
Expand All @@ -305,66 +310,96 @@ public static function getDelta($_log = 'core', $_position = 0, $_search = '', $
$_position = ftell($fp);

// Display only the last jeedom.log.maxLines
// Display only the last maxLines
$logText = '';

$nbLogs = count($logs);
// If logs are TRUNCATED, then add a message
if (count($logs) > $_max) {
if ($nbLogs == 0) {
return array('position' => $_position, 'line' => $_numStart, 'logText' => $logText);
if ($nbLogs > $_max) {
// If logs must be TRUNCATED, then add a message
$logText .= "-------------------- TRUNCATED LOG --------------------\n";
$logs = array_slice($logs, -$_max, $_max);
// Merge all lignes
$logText .= implode('', $logs);
// Clear logs from HTML
$logText = secureXSS($logText);

// Apply color in logs
if ($_colored) {
// Highlight searched text first (when more than 3 chars)
if (strlen($_search) > 2) {
$srch = preg_quote($_search, '/');
$logText = preg_replace('/(' . $srch . ')/i', '<mark>$1</mark>', $logText);

$search = array(); $replace = array();
$search[] = '[DEBUG]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-success">&nbsp;D<&>EBUG&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[INFO]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-info">&nbsp;I<&>NFO&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[NOTICE]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-info">N<&>OTICE&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[WARNING]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-warning">W<&>ARNING</span>';
$search[] = '[ERROR]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">&nbsp;E<&>RROR&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[CRITICAL]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">&nbsp;C<&>RITI&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[ALERT]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">&nbsp;A<&>LERT&nbsp;</span>';
$search[] = '[EMERGENCY]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">&nbsp;E<&>MERG&nbsp;</span>';

$search[] = '[ OK ]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-success">[&nbsp;&nbsp;O<&>K&nbsp;&nbsp;]</span>';
$search[] = '[ KO ]'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">[&nbsp;&nbsp;K<&>O&nbsp;&nbsp;]</span>';
$search[] = ' OK '; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-success"> O<&>K </span>';
$search[] = ' KO '; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger"> K<&>O </span>';
$search[] = 'ERROR'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-xs label-danger">E<&>RROR</span>';
$search[] = 'PHP Notice:'; $replace[] = '<span class="warning">PHP N<&>otice:</span>';
$search[] = 'PHP Warning:'; $replace[] = '<span class="warning">PHP War<&>ning:</span>';
$search[] = 'PHP Stack trace:'; $replace[] = '<span class="danger">PHP S<&>tack trace:</span>';

$search[] = ':br:'; $replace[] = '<br>';
$search[] = ':bg-success:'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-success">';
$search[] = ':bg-info:'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-info">';
$search[] = ':bg-warning:'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-warning">';
$search[] = ':bg-danger:'; $replace[] = '<span class="label label-danger">';
$search[] = ':/bg:'; $replace[] = '</span>';
$search[] = ':fg-success:'; $replace[] = '<span class="success">';
$search[] = ':fg-info:'; $replace[] = '<span class="info">';
$search[] = ':fg-warning:'; $replace[] = '<span class="warning">';
$search[] = ':fg-danger:'; $replace[] = '<span class="danger">';
$search[] = ':/fg:'; $replace[] = '</span>';
$search[] = ':b:'; $replace[] = '<b>';
$search[] = ':/b:'; $replace[] = '</b>';
$search[] = ':s:'; $replace[] = '<strong>';
$search[] = ':/s:'; $replace[] = '</strong>';
$search[] = ':i:'; $replace[] = '<i>';
$search[] = ':/i:'; $replace[] = '</i>';
$search[] = ':hide:'; $replace[] = '<!--';
$search[] = ':/hide:'; $replace[] = '-->';

// Apply color in system logs
if ($_colored == 1) {
$search = array(
'-------------------- TRUNCATED LOG --------------------'
$replace = array(
'<span class="warning">WARNING</span>',
'<span class="danger">Erreur</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-success">DEBUG</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-info">INFO</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-info">NOTICE</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-warning">WARNING</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-danger">ERROR</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-danger">CRITI</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-danger">ALERT</span>',
'<span class="label label-xs label-danger">EMERG</span>',
'<span class="label label-xl label-danger">-------------------- TRUNCATED LOG --------------------</span>'
$logText = str_replace($search, $replace, $logText);
// Apply color in scenario logs
elseif ($_colored == 2) {
$search = array();
$replace = array();
foreach($GLOBALS['JEEDOM_SCLOG_TEXT'] as $item) {
$search[] = $item['txt'];
$replace[] = str_replace('::', $item['txt'], $item['replace']);
// Insert a marker into subject string to avoid replacing it multiple times
$subject = $item['txt'][0] . '<&>' . substr($item['txt'], 1);
$replace[] = str_replace('::', $subject, $item['replace']);

$replacables = array(
array('txt' => 'WARNING:', 'replace' => '<span class="warning">::</span>'),
array('txt' => 'Erreur', 'replace' => '<span class="danger">::</span>'),
array('txt' => 'OK', 'replace' => '<strong>::</strong>'),
array('txt' => 'Log :', 'replace' => '<span class="success">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;::</span>'),
array('txt' => '-------------------- TRUNCATED LOG --------------------', 'replace' => '<span class="label label-xl label-danger">::</span>')
foreach($replacables as $item) {
if (strlen($item['txt']) >= 2) {
$search[] = $item['txt'];
// Insert a marker into subject string to avoid replacing it multiple times
$subject = $item['txt'][0] . '<&>' . substr($item['txt'], 1);
$replace[] = str_replace('::', $subject, $item['replace']);
$search[] = ' Start : ';
$replace[] = '<strong> -- Start : </strong>';
$search[] = 'Log :';
$replace[] = '<span class="success">&ensp;&ensp;&ensp;Log :</span>';
// Replace everything in log
$logText = str_replace($search, $replace, $logText);
// Remove all inserted markers
$logText = str_replace('<&>', '', $logText);

// Return the lines to the end of the file, the new position and line number
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/class/scenario.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -914,9 +914,9 @@ public function execute($_trigger = '', $_message = '') {
if (count($this->getTags()) == 0) {
$this->setLog('Start : ' . trim($_message, "'") . '.');
$this->setLog($GLOBALS['JEEDOM_SCLOG_TEXT']['start']['txt'] . ' ' . trim($_message, "'") . '.');
} else {
$this->setLog('Start : ' . trim($_message, "'") . '. Tags : ' . json_encode($this->getTags()));
$this->setLog($GLOBALS['JEEDOM_SCLOG_TEXT']['start']['txt'] . ' ' . trim($_message, "'") . '. Tags : ' . json_encode($this->getTags()));
$this->setLastLaunch(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->setState('in progress');
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17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions core/class/scenarioExpression.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ public static function color_gradient($_from_color, $_to_color, $_min, $_max, $_
$RedOrigin = hexdec(substr($startcol, 1, 2));
$GrnOrigin = hexdec(substr($startcol, 3, 2));
$BluOrigin = hexdec(substr($startcol, 5, 2));
$RetVal = array();
if ($graduations >= 2) {
$GradientSizeRed = (hexdec(substr($endcol, 1, 2)) - $RedOrigin) / $graduations;
$GradientSizeGrn = (hexdec(substr($endcol, 3, 2)) - $GrnOrigin) / $graduations;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1064,10 +1065,10 @@ public static function time_diff($_date1, $_date2, $_format = 'd', $_rnd = 2) {
$dureeAbs %= 60;
$s = $dureeAbs;
$ret = '';
if ($j > 0) $ret .= "${j}j ";
if ($h > 0) $ret .= "${h}h ";
if ($m > 0) $ret .= "${m}min ";
if ($s > 0) $ret .= "${s}s";
if ($j > 0) $ret .= $j . 'j ';
if ($h > 0) $ret .= $h . 'h ';
if ($m > 0) $ret .= $m . 'min ';
if ($s > 0) $ret .= $s . 's';
return (trim($ret));
case 'df':
return round($duree / 86400, $_rnd); // en jours decimaux avec signe
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1233,7 +1234,13 @@ public static function getRequestTags($_expression) {
return array_merge($return, $new);

public static function tag(&$_scenario = null, $_name, $_default = '') {
* @param null|scenario $_scenario
* @param string $_name
* @param string $_default
* @return string
public static function tag(&$_scenario, $_name, $_default = '') {
if ($_scenario == null) {
return $_default;
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