A Functional Approach to working with external files in FileMaker
####Module goals:
- Read, diff, and write to files.
- Node runtime + express server.
- Provide a wide array of transformations to text and files through gulp.js integration.
####Design Philosophy:
- Separate data concerns from application state as much as possible.
- Find a "simple to comprehend, yet reusable in various ciscumstances" level of abstraction for the problem at hand
- Focus on list processing ( scripts and functions should accept lists of params, rather than single params )
####Dependencies: webviews appArchitecture
- 0.1: basic fileSystem commands (read, write, list dir + files, UI first draft)
- 0.2: Gulp integration
- 0.3: Code editor
- 0.4:
- 0.5:
- 0.6: Add datomicFilemaker dependency to keep a stream of all modifications to files + possibility to go back in time or consult previous configs if setting is ON.