A graphical Java Tumblr client that utilises the Jumblr library
- To get this to work you will need to put your API keys in the Keys.properties file
- Now uses the official Jumblr 0.10 build (a copy of which is included)
- Recommended Netbeans 7.4+ for developing (especially for editing some parts of the GUI)
- Also uses Netbeans beans binding library (included)
#####Main View Screenshot
#####Photo Post Viewer Screenshot
- Currently only supports PhotoPost's (as it is the majority of Tumblr after all :P)
- No way of logging on without using Keys.properties (something more elegant is on the TODO list)
Notes, followers and following menu's are usually too big and go off screen (a way of managing this is needed)- Internationalisation support is implemented but currently patchy - will be cleaned up at a later date