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A Neovim plugin for presenting markdown files as slideshows.


Start a presentation from the current buffer by calling start_presentation with no arguments, or optionally pass a table with a filepath field to present a specific file;

    filepath = "/path/to/" -- optional argument

or just run the :PresentStart <filepath?> command, optionally passing a file path to present


Calling the setup function is optional if you want to pass any configuation options, the following table shows all valid configuration options with their default values;

    -- whether the chosen separator character(s) should be removed from the slide header
    hide_separator_in_title = true,
    -- a list of lua matching patterns to use as slide boundaries
    -- lines matching one of these separators will become slide titles in the header
    separators = { "^# " },
    -- the normal mode keymaps available while in presentation mode, see the `Keymaps` section below
    keymaps = {
      execute_code_blocks = "X",
      previous_slide = "p",
      next_slide = "n",
      first_slide = "f",
      last_slide = "e",
      end_presentation = "q",
    -- vim options that will be modified when in presentation mode
    -- you can pass any valid vim options here to customise how presentation mode behaves
    -- see :help option-list to see all valid fields for this table
    presentation_vim_options = {
      cmdheight = 0,
      conceallevel = 0,
      hlsearch = false,
      linebreak = true,
      wrap = true,
    -- the default code executors available, see the `Live Code Block Execution` section below
    executors = {
      go = execution.execute_go_code,
      javascript = execution.create_system_executor("node"),
      lua = execution.execute_lua_code,
      python = execution.create_system_executor("python"),
      rust = execution.execute_rust_code,

Live Code Block Execution

You can execute code inside markdown code blocks on a slide, e.g.

print("Hello world!")

and the result will be displayed in a floating window

  • Execution functions are provided for lua, go, rust, python, and javascript by default
  • You can add your own to the executors table in the setup config table
  • The default executors may not be compatible with your system and you may need to write a custom executor. See lua/present/execution.lua for example implementations
  • For interpreted languages, you can use the create_system_executor utility function provided by present.nvim to easily create a new executor;
local present = require("present")

    executors = {
        ruby = present.create_system_executor("ruby")


These keymaps are active in normal mode when presenting a file. You can customise them using the keymaps table in the config table passed to setup (see Configuration above)

key description
p move to the previous slide
n move to the next slide
f move to the first slide
e move to the last slide
q quit the presentation
X execute the code blocks on the slide

Developing locally

  • This project requires the following development dependencies to be installed:
    • just (command runner)
    • watchexec (file watcher)
    • plenary.nvim plugin/library for testing
      • the plenary repo must be cloned as a sibling directory to this repo by default, i.e. available at ../plenary.nvim/
      • alternatively the PLENARY_NVIM_DIR env var can be set to provide a different location on your system
  • Run the entire test suite with just test
  • Run the entire test suite in watch mode with just test-watch
  • Run just --list for optional arguments and more info


Inspired by and adapted from @tjdevries "Neovim Plugin from Scratch" YouTube series

See also tjdevries/present.nvim


Present markdown files inside of Neovim








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