A Flutter package for generating the image and the image's dominant color with a given image url.
See examples to /example
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
// url: 'assets/images/local.jpg', // support to read local image
fit: BoxFit.cover,
maxCachedCount: 15,
builder: (BuildContext context, Image? image, Color? imageColor) {
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(40),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: imageColor?.withOpacity(0.8) ?? Colors.red,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)),
child: image ?? const Text('No image?'),
placeholder: (contect, url) => Image.asset(
fit: BoxFit.fill,
errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Image.asset(
fit: BoxFit.fill,
Visit my github: janlionly
Contact with me by email: janlionly@gmail.com
I would love you to contribute to ImageColorBuilder
ImageColorBuilder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.