This repository serves as a template for github-actions integrated go projects.
It consists of a hello, world!
like example in source file main.go
which gets compiled into the binary my-app
using goreleaser. The CI is
configured to run
golangci-linter on the code,
before the unit tests are executed. Test coverage is uploaded to
goreleaser is used to create the final multi-plattform assets, which are automatically uploaded to the release. The release-process is triggered by pushing a git tag to the repository.
Finally, a docker image is built, which gets published to Run it with
$ docker run --rm
hello, world!
The go version to use is configured in go.mod
with the toolchain
When building locally, set GOTOOLCHAIN
to auto
to automatically install
the configured toolchain (introduced with go 1.21).
We use dependabot to both keep the go dependencies as well as the used github action up-to-date. The configuration can be found here.
A new release is created by creating a git tag and pushing it, e.g.:
$ git tag -a "v1.2.3" -m "this is release v1.2.3"
$ git push origin v1.2.3
The push of the new tag triggers the CI, which uses goreleaser with this configuration to
- build multi-platform release artifacts
- create a new release
- upload the artifacts, which are then available on the releases page.
Finally, a docker image is built using the previously built artefacts. The image is published to
To run goreleaser locally, start the tool with gorelaser build --snapshot --clean
golangci-linter is configured for code-linting. The report is uploaded so that linting results are visible in the MR:
We use the coveralls-github-action to upload the golang coverage to coveralls.
Don't forget to enable Leave comments (x)
in coveralls, under
repo settings
> pull request alerts
, so that the coveralls-action posts a comment
with the test coverage to affected pull requests:
(c) copyright 2021-2025 by Jan Delgado, License MIT