An Unreal Engine 5 remake of the old 80s Console Classic as part of a personal project to re-imagine it for modern competitive play. Supports multi-player for both offline and online play. Incepted September 2023.
The project is a solo development effort thus far covering game design, systems architecture, development, and asset work unless noted below in the Third Party Attribution section.
The gameplay element sees the Spy frantically searching rooms and environments for spy materials and weapons before making their hasty exit. The only thing in their way is the counter spy who is looking to do the same. So ensues a tactical game of placing various traps in parts of the rooms where the other Spy is likely to look for spy materials, and arming yourself for the envitable moment where both Spies burst into the same room.
Features include:
- Split screen play against local player, AI or online multiplayer.
- Rooms and areas dynamically appear and disappear upon Spy Entry / Exit to heighten intensity of gameplay
- Advanced Materials and Material functions enable Vanishing effects to adjust to the direction of player travel
- Currently built and tested on Unreal Engine 5.2 as of September 2023
- Some basic Meshes and Materials from Unreal Engine’s default Starter Content Pack have been utilised.