This project provides a REST API for accessing and managing data related to different types of languages.
• Node.js: The JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications.
• Express.js: A popular web framework for Node.js that simplifies building and managing REST APIs.
• MongoDB Atlas: A cloud-based database platform from MongoDB for storing and managing data.
This project covers the following functionalities:
• Get all languages: Retrieves a list of all languages stored in the database.
• Get a specific language: Retrieves information about a specific language by its ID.
• Create a language: Adds a new language to the database.
• Update a language: Modifies existing information about a specific language.
• Delete a language: Removes a language from the database.
• Node.js v16+
• npm or yarn package manager
• MongoDB Atlas account with a database
• Postman
Clone the project repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd server
Install the project dependencies:
npm install
Configure the connection to your MongoDB Atlas database by creating a file named .env in the project root directory and adding the following environment variables:
Start the server:
nodemon app.js