The first exercise from
A timed quiz. Asks user a number of questions and prints the score at the end.
The default version has a timeout of 30s and the quizzes are read from the problems.csv file included.
User can set a different timeout, provide another quiz file and shuffle quiz questions.
(If you don't have go installed and go workspace set up, follow the instructions here:
go get download and install this package
cd ~/go/src/ go to the package directory
go run ./main.go -h print help
go run ./main.go run the default version
go run ./main.go -s shuffle the questions
go run ./main.go -f <filename> provide own csv file with quizzes. File should be in format question,answer
go run ./main.go -t <x> set timeout to x seconds
The main challenge for me was to track the time. If the time runs out whilst the program is waiting for the user input for a quiz question, the program should stop waiting for the user input, print the score and exit.
To solve this, I created two go subroutines, one runs the timer, the other waits for user input. Each has an associated channel- the timeout subroutine sends true when the time runs out and the user input subroutine sends the user's answer, when it recieves one. When the user is ready, the main process spins off both subroutines. It then runs a for loop for as long as a counter variable that I use to loop through the questions in the quiz list is less than the length of the list and a timeout variable is false. Inside the loop there is a select statement that checks for data being sent from either channel. If a user's answer is sent, that will be recorded and the counter variable incremented. If the timer subroutine sends true, the timeout variable will be set to true, which will cause the for loop to exit.