intel media-driver Q1'18 release
7446 commits
to master
since this release
GmmLib [commit b32d2124aa5187b20b64df24d2e83bcbe7a57d7d] (intel/gmmlib@b32d212)
Libva 2.1.0 commit 417b0184d4a767721e9b0a5f1597907707f545cf
Supported Platforms
- Add BXT/APL support
- Add HEVC/VP9/AVC/MPEG2/VP8/JPEG encode support for CNL
- Add AVC FEI MFE support for SKL
- Add HEVC encode Per-LCU QP Average support on SKL
- Fix AVC encode 4K corruption issue on CNL
- Fix VP9 VDENC BRC low quality issue on CNL
- Fix AVC encode SPS/PPS ID issue for interlaced case corruption on BDW/SKL
- Correct max slice number in HEVC VDEnc caps report
- Improve deinterlace quality on CNL
Known Issues
#43: [gstreamer-vaapi-master][iHD_SKL] [JPEG_decode] 52 cases decoding fail during run jpeg decoding cases with iHD driver on SKL
#57: [SKL][VP8 DEC] VP8 DEC lead to GPU reset in iHD.
#82: [SKL][MPEG2ENC] MPEG2ENC lead to GPU hang in SKL
#110: avc vdenc doesn't work as expected when using FFmpeg.
#112: The driver fails to encode H.265 videos on CNL when using FFmpeg/hevc_vaapi
#123: SKL[VPP] Scaling the picture will lead to colour incorrect