Training code is located in the train
directory, to run please run the commands below from within that directory.
To perform initial training on CIFAR-10 with WRN-28-10 architecture with L2 attacks (
python --arch wrn_28_10 --normalize --data_dir PATH_TO_DATA --model_dir PATH_TO_INITIALLY_TRAINED_RESULTS_DIR --dataset cifar10 --fname INITALLY_TRAINED_EXPERIMENT_NAME --procedure single --chkpt_iters 25 --epochs 100 --total_epochs 100 --latent_reg l2 --reg_noise adv --latent_reg_str 1 --attacks L2Attack --eps 0.5 --reg_num_iters 1
To perform initial training on CIFAR-10 with WRN-28-10 architecture with L2 attacks (
python --arch wrn_28_10 --normalize --data_dir PATH_TO_DATA --model_dir PATH_TO_INITIALLY_TRAINED_RESULTS_DIR --dataset cifar10 --fname INITALLY_TRAINED_EXPERIMENT_NAME --procedure single --chkpt_iters 25 --epochs 100 --total_epochs 100 --latent_reg l2 --reg_noise uniform --latent_reg_eps 2 --latent_reg_str 1 --attacks L2Attack --eps 0.5
To perform Croce et. al (2022)[1] fine-tuning from an initially trained model robust to L2Attacks (
python --arch ResNet18 --normalize --resume best --data_dir PATH_TO_DATA --model_dir PATH_TO_INITIALLY_TRAINED_RESULTS_DIR --dataset imagenette --model_dir_ft PATH_TO_FINETUNED_RESULTS_DIR --fname INITALLY_TRAINED_EXPERIMENT_NAME --ft_fname FINETUNED_EXPERIMENT_NAME --procedure finetune --chkpt_iters 10 --epochs 25 --total_epochs 25 --latent_reg l2 --attacks L2Attack StAdvAttack --eps 1 0.05 --lr_max 0.001 --lr_scheduler none --reg_noise adv --latent_reg_str 0.5 --reg_num_iters 1
[1] Croce, Francesco, and Matthias Hein. "Adversarial Robustness against Multiple and Single $ l_p $-Threat Models via Quick Fine-Tuning of Robust Classifiers." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2022.
[2] Xiao, Chaowei, et al. "Spatially Transformed Adversarial Examples." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2018.