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InGrid Editor for handling complex forms with import and export functionality.


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Getting started

Configure the server

The server uses several spring profiles to be configured for different environments.

  • dev => used for development, which disables keycloak authentication
  • default => also used for development and is set up in server/src/develop/resources
  • mcloud, ... => profile for customer implementation (import, export, fields, ...)

The profiles can be set in the startup configuration or in the under server/src/main/resources. We suggest to use the startup configuration to prevent accidentally commit of development changes.

When using Keycloak then some properties must be configured. Please also check

  • keycloak.auth-server-url

You also need to configure a user with privileged rights in Keycloak, which is needed for the user management. This can be done by setting

  • keycloak.backend-user
  • keycloak.backend-user-password

You can also configure it by these environment variables respectively:



The application requires a PostgreSQL database instance which is configured in

A Docker container to be used in development can be created by running the following command in the postgres directory:

docker-compose up -d

See also postgres/.env for further configuration.

You need to manually create an empty database with the name 'ige' . The database gets initialized on startup. Afterward you can map your db data directory in the docker-compose file to make it persistent.

Start the client and server

For IntelliJ configuration see the section below.


You can also run the server from command line:

./gradlew bootRun --args=',mcloud,uvp,ingrid,elasticsearch'

With the following command a jar is generated, which contains the whole server including optimized frontend application:

./gradlew -PbuildProfile=prod clean build


For the client just run npm start in the frontend directory. When developing for Internet Explorer please run npm run start-ie11.

Setup IntelliJ IDEA

  • Open IntelliJ

  • Import project

    • If first project in IntelliJ Open or Import > Select build.gradle > Open as Project > OK
    • Else File > New > Project from Existing Sources... > Select build.gradle > OK
  • Create server run configuration

    • Java 17 SDK is required
    • Run > Edit Configurations > Add New Configuration > Kotlin, and apply the following step by step:
      • Name: IgeServerKt
      • VM options:,mcloud,uvp,ingrid,elasticsearch
      • Use classpath of module: ige-ng.server.main
      • Main class: de.ingrid.igeserver.IgeServerKt
        (The file should automatically appear in the search dialog. When not, choose manually _ server/src/main/java/de/ingrid/igeserver/IgeServer.kt_)
      • JRE: path/to/java-17-jdk
      • Shorten command line: JAR manifest
  • Install frontend packages

    • Open a shell in root directory of the project
    • Install yarn if not installed yet: npm -g i yarn
    • Install packages: yarn --cwd ./frontend
  • Create frontend run configuration

    • Run > Edit Configurations > + (new configuration) >
      • community edition Shell Script
        • Script path: path/to/npm
        • Script options: start
        • Working directory: path/to/frontend
        • Interpreter path: empty
      • ultimate edition npm
        • It just works (Andre)
  • Choose an active profile
    The profile mcloud might be active by default when starting the frontend interface. Choose your target profile for development through the following steps:

    • Start backend and frontend and navigate to frontend home page
    • Click on the three-dots icon in the top right corner and choose Allgemein
    • Navigate to Katalogverwaltung and add a new catalog with the target profile
    • Activate your newly created catalog

You are all set. Run server and frontend with the appropriate run configuration.

Update dependencies

To get a list of new versions of our dependencies you can run the following command:

For the server:

./gradlew :server:dependencyUpdates

For the frontend:

cd frontend && yarn upgrade-interactive

Apache Configuration

For the apache configuration use the following settings:

location /ige-server/ {
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, PUT,DELETE, OPTIONS';
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'Accept,Authorization,Cache-Control,Content-Type,DNT,If-Modified-Since,Keep-Alive,Origin,User-Agent,X-Mx-ReqToken,X-Requested-With';

To get the swagger-api json documentation go to http://localhost:8550/v3/api-docs. The UI version can be accessed with http://localhost:8550/swagger-ui.html, where you also can test the API.


For end-to-end tests with Cypress check out the inside frontend/e2e directory.


Update changelog


Release a new version

  • Set an annotated tag to the latest commit which represents the release
    • use this format <major>.<minor>.<bugfix>, e.g. 1.3.0
  • push tag (with commit) to remote, which will trigger a new build in Jenkins

Jenkins Setup

The following behaviours for the Jenkins project have to be applied:

  • Advanced clone behaviours
    • to fetch tags so that the correct version is calculated
  • Check out to matching local branch
    • to get branch information for creating correct tag for docker image


Error after login: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

A problem occurs when running Keycloak and Application in a docker container on your local machine. Then it's important that the access to the keycloak instance is the same for the backend as in the frontend in the browser, which happens actually on the local machine (not inside docker). Therefore, you need to configure /etc/hosts file or under windows c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and add the following entry: keycloak

In your docker-compose file you would then use for your app the environment variable "KEYCLOAK_URL=http://keycloak:8080" to access keycloak in the container. Moreover, make sure the port mapping is the same "8080:8080" otherwise keycloak won't be able to map correctly.

Add a new keycloak user

When adding a new keycloak user, make sure to assign the correct roles: ige-user (needed!) and optional ige-super-admin


InGrid Editor for handling complex forms with import and export functionality.




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