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JDBC Code Generator - implementation of Java DAO pattern

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JDBC Code Generator - Generates Java JDBC code in order to call DB Records, Tables, Procedures and Functions.
Implementation of Java Data Access Object - DAO/Adapter pattern

Java JDBC Code Generation

  • Tables: Creates the Java Stub Class with 1-1 relationship with a Database Record having Getter/Setter methods to handle private attributes/record fields
  • Tables: Creates the Java Stub Class for DAO implementing methods, search/retrieve/retrieve array/edit/update/delete
  • Procedures: Creates the Java Class for Procedure call with methods signature 1-1 mapping of arguments in procedure
  • Functions: Creates the Java Class for Function call with methods signature 1-1 mapping of arguments in function
  • Auto implementation - no need to provide XML mapping of types.

Compatible Databases


Eclipse build is required.

git clone
cd JetLiveSource
ant build


  • Log4j jar
  • JDBC drivers for MariaDB, Oracle MySQL, Oracle Server, PostGre SQL
  • Old versions of those can be found in depend_libs directory


Step 1: Configure the database source in the XML configuration file:
Create a simple XML configuration file like those in ./config directory.

See the following example configuration:

  Project specific info
	<project package="gr.illumine.docreview.jdbc" 
	         author="Michael Mountrakis"
	         comments="Example of Live Source configuration, Enjoy...."/>

  The database to connect and the objects to generate JDBC stub code are
	<database type="MariaDB" connstring="jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/information_schema"
		user="root" pass="qweasd" />

  Create DAO/Object stub for that table
	<table name="companies" />
		<table name="author" />
		<table name="document" />
		<table name="review" />
		<table name="reviewer" />

  Create DAO/Object stub for those routines:
  <procedure  name="proc_insert_document"/>
	<procedure  name="proc_insert_review"/>  
	<procedure  name="prc_check_selt_test_availability"  /> 
	<procedure  name="prc_find_dslam_info" />            
	<procedure  name="prc_k3_create_request_and_cases"/>
	<procedure  name="prc_monitor_create_request_and_cases"/>
	<function   name="fun_test" /> 
	<function   name="calculate_sign_integral" /> 
	<function   name="fun_test"  class="MyClass2"/> 
	<function   name="fun_test"  class="MyClass3"/> 
	<procedure package="pck_tst" name="MyFunction" class="MyClass"/> 


Generated Java Code Settings the project element
package: the Java package the generated source will belong. Your project's packaging
sources: the directory to put the generated sources
author: self explanatory :-)
version: the version to appear on the sources as a comment.
comments: some comments regarding this configuration. Will appear as comments on the sources.

Target Database details - Connection Settings the database element
type : MariDB database parser to be used for DB Object translation.
connstring: how to connect to the MariaDB
procedure : The Oracle Package and Store Procedure that will be called.

Target Database details - Database Objects to generate code for Elements table , procedure , function
table : generate DAO/Adapter Java Class for this table or view
procedure : generate Adapter Java Class for this procedure
function : generate Adapter Java Class for this database function

This program also uses log4j. To configure the Log4J please edit the Log4J Properties file ./cls/

Step 2: Run JetLiveSource against the target DB: Main Class :

src> java gr.illumine.jetlivesource.LiveSource config/mariadb_config.xml

DEBUG -LiveSource Argument (0) is config/mariadb_config.xml
INFO  -SAXParserHelper SYS ID: file:/C:/workspaces/workspace-zk/JetLiveSource/config/mariadb_config.xml
DEBUG -MariaDBEngine Connected to DB jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/information_schema
DEBUG -MariaDBEngine TABLE : 0 is author
DEBUG -MariaDBEngine Got table description for AUTHOR
DEBUG -MariaDBEngine DBTable.debug(): TABLE author
DBTableField [name=id, dbType=int, outType=, isKey=true]
DBTableField [name=name, dbType=varchar, outType=, isKey=false]
DBTableField [name=surname, dbType=varchar, outType=, isKey=false]
DBTableField [name=email, dbType=varchar, outType=, isKey=false]
DBTableField [name=created, dbType=timestamp, outType=, isKey=false]
DBTableField [name=updated, dbType=timestamp, outType=, isKey=false]

Step 3: See what is generated and use it

An example of a Record Java Object Stub

//  Generated by Jet LiveSource (TM)
//  v2.0
//  on Wed Sep 13 09:46:46 CEST 2017
//  Author  :Michael Mountrakis
//  Version :1.0.0
//  Comments:
//  Example of Live Source configuration, Enjoy....

package gr.illumine.docreview.jdbc;
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class Author{

   public Author(){

   private Integer id;
   private String name;
   private String surname;
   private String email;
   private java.sql.Timestamp created;
   private java.sql.Timestamp updated;

//  Getters
   public Integer  getId(){

While this is the AuthorDAO to use the Author:

//  Generated by Jet LiveSource (TM)
//  v2.0
//  on Wed Sep 13 09:46:46 CEST 2017
//  Author  :Michael Mountrakis
//  Version :1.0.0
//  Comments:
//  Example of Live Source configuration, Enjoy....
package gr.illumine.docreview.jdbc;
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class AuthorDAO{

  public AuthorDAO(){
  public static void insert( Vector dataVector, Connection conn ) throws SQLException{
  public static void insertSingle( Author data, Connection conn) throws SQLException{
  public static void update( Author data, Connection  conn ) throws SQLException{
  public static Author [] resultSetToArray( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException{
  public static List resultSetToList( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException{
  public static PreparedStatement fillPreparedStatement( Author data, PreparedStatement ps ) throws SQLException {
  public static Object [][] convertTo2DObject( Author [] data ) throws SQLException{

This is an example of Database routine (procedure) stub code:

//  Generated by Jet LiveSource (TM)
//  v2.0
//  on Wed Sep 13 09:46:46 CEST 2017
//  Author  :Michael Mountrakis
//  Version :1.0.0
//  Comments:
//  Example of Live Source configuration, Enjoy....

package gr.illumine.docreview.jdbc;
import java.sql.*;

public class ProcInsertDocumentProc{
   private Integer documentId;
   private String errmsg;
   private Integer errcode;
   public ProcInsertDocumentProc(){

   public Integer  getDocumentId(){
   public void  setDocumentId( Integer documentId )
   public String  getErrmsg(){
   public void  setErrmsg( String errmsg )
   public Integer  getErrcode()
   public void  setErrcode( Integer errcode )

public static  ProcInsertDocumentProc   callProcInsertDocument(
	Connection connection,
	Integer authorid, 
	String doctitle, 
	String docbody, 
	Integer document_id, 
	String errmsg, 
	Integer errcode
	) throws SQLException{

Author - Licencing

Jet Live Source (TM) Illumine Consulting
JDBC Code Generator
Author Michael Mountrakis

Licence - See


JDBC Code Generator - implementation of Java DAO pattern






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